Water... Problem?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2005
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Hey guys, i recently bought this bike its running like a charm the oly problems, i didnt kno how to bleed the brakes.. eventually i did it and the other day i watered my bike down with a hose, put lunch bags around exhaust and air filter right, bike wouldnt start so i kicked it a few times.. it started but it was jerking im like the carby is blocked? so i cleaned it out and after all that it was the spark plug ! gahh, but the real question im on her is.. if i ride though water or mud or if its raining wont the carby suck up water n like die? or something.. i dunno ? thanks.

there is no reason why you can,t ride through shallow water providing you seal up your ignition coil with some silicon sealant plus when you use the foam filter you should apply some filter spray oil to this which will help to keep water from soaking into the foam.
yer water shouldnt be a problem, but getting it into th coil can be bad :evil: . u should also try not 2 get water around your cables seeing how u have electric start can damage wires and also if ur unlucky shock u :shock:
Hey i always water my electics it shouldnt matter.. n i think the coil is in plastic so thats sweet.. now i gotta get 2 a motorbike shop to get some oil n that..
Hey, wat will happen if i get abit of water in the coil? how do i fix it>? if it does happen?

its good to spray all your electric connections including coil and sparkplug connector with the good old [ wd-40 ]

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