Went riding today

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2009
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hey its been i while since i was last on here

well i went riding today at a mates place was jumping this table top its about 11 meters long, i ended up coming off cos wheels slid out, i got back to the shed went to grab the front brakes found out a snapped the lever clean off, wasn't happy :mad: well i gave it bout 20 mins b4 i got back on the bike rode off got bout 50 meters down the track bike becomes very much louder than usual so i turn around go back to the shed turns out the muffler had shaken itself off so a guy went and got it for me, when i put it on we decided to go down a play in the mud got nearly to the end and the bike died for he second time today the first was just at the top of this very loose and steep hill, got it started again went to take off, and, the back wheel keeps locking up i figure this cant be right so kill the bike look at the chain the chain guide had come off and made it round the back sprocket so i got one of the guys to go and get the Alan key set take it off get the bike started take off get bout ten meters go into this puddle didnt look deep get to the middle, i was wearin full size boots (size 13) and they were fully submerged when i ended up pushin the bike out of the puddle then when i get the bike runnin again its very coughy and splattery so rode it back to shed lucky it was time to pack up and leave

so not ma best day out riding lol

wats ur worst day out riding?
yeh i would lock tight it but, the muffler is only held in place by a small screw so no room to and the bracker isnt tight enough as is
the spluttering was probably a drenched air filter .... try packing the bracket ?
mm but i had a look before i started it and i didnt seem like the air filter got very wet it would of been the smallest amount
If ya runnin through mud n puddles around ya boots it'll be wet..... remember it's really just a sponge .... next time ya wanna check it squeeze it cause most of the water is in the filter .

But it's standard to get coughs and splutters after mud .
na i dont have a sponge filter cos im not to good in memberin to clean and re-oil em so got a mesh one
Theyr'e about as useful as an ashtray on ya carby ..... drop the coin on a real filter and I reckon you'll sort it :cool:

yeh the bike came with s sponge filter but as i stated before i forget to clean and re-oil em so its better than a muddy filter