Where to buy number stickers

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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2009
Reaction score
Adelaide Hills, South Australia
Hey guys,
I've been looking for ages and cant seem to find any number sticker in australia.
Im looking for 3 number 13's that I can put on both sides and the front of my bike.
I live in Adelaide, dont really mind if it has to shipped over from another state but would be awesome if it was in Adelaide.
Its a PitPro XR 140cc.
I just want a simple, black number 13 - no fancy fonts or anything
Can someone please give me a website or shop that sells this!
Heres some pictures of my bike if it helps.
Thanks very much.




Cheers, Mitch.
go to bunnings,

they have number stickers for letterboxes etc

and it would probly be cheap
Total Imports in Lonsdale have em and SA fun bikes should to... go to SA fun bikes first tho id rather support them. plus hes a great bloke in there.
i dont know the dimensions,

i saw number stickers in there before, i wasnt looking for them so i didnt really take that much notice but i believe they would have a few sizes available

and again i think they would be cheaper than buying "proper" :) number stickers
most moto shops should sell them..

I know yamaha and stuff is brizzy do.. just go in and ask.
Ohk, could you perhaps give me their website if they have them so I can check them out first.
Is there standard dimensions for numbers?
Or are there dimensions you know of that would fit my bike?

Cheers, Mitch.

yeh um my step grandpa makes em 4 me so he doesent have a websit but ill c if i can get pics of mine on the w/e
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alright, thanks everyone for your help
so most motorbike retailers should stock numbers at default sort of sizes.
if I went to Honda World or something like that do you reckon they would have what I want?

Cheers, Mitch.
guys down at brickworks,
pretty much tell them what you want they design it on a computer in front of you
then print it while you wait
gives you exact dimensions and the look you want before buying the sticker!!!
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