140 ?? big wheel

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Aug 16, 2014
Reaction score
Wild West Oz
So I bought a big wheel 140 pit bike for my son... at a seized vehicle auction...

No idea if it ran- and it didn't! Broken kickstart. Which turned out to be a broken gearbox shaft- apparently pretty typical of these Zongshen/YX style 140's. It had also completely destroyed the gearbox bearing as well.

So new gearbox was fitted along with all new bearings, everything else checked and looked ok.

It also had a broken mount so that was machined up and fixed with a steel spacer tube

Chucked it all back together and after a few issues with not running I fixed it- no idea how but rechecked all connections, valve clearances, carby settings and she ran!

It didn't have any stickers on and I got fed up trying to find any that fitted (it's not standard klx/crf style) so I bought some contact sheet from Target with Bart Simpson on a motorbike, cut it to shape and fitted that instead! Not bad for a $2 investment. Best thing is we can change it when we feel like it and it costs stuff all.

It was a bit big for my boy as he's only 8 (but tall for his age) so I dropped the suspension at either end and it's just right. Forks were raised as far as they could go and the rear shock has a new bolt hole on the bottom of it to help lower it down.

It puts a smile on the boy's face so that's gotta be a good thing!

Thats the posts i like to see :) It should serve your son well now
Yeah I reckon it will. Plenty of room to grow in to and when he's a bit bigger (prob next month they way he's sprouting) then it's easy as to raise it up.

I love the concentration on his face when he rides- today was his first go and first on a bike with gears. He left it in first to get used to the clutch but took to it like a duck to water. Now I have to upgrade my bike apparently as it's smaller than his (YZ125- I tried to explain that 2 strokes go faster but even me mates are giving me **** about it!)

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