Billetware Cradle Frame!!!

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mental DHZ

Active Member
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
Hey Ive just bought a pitpro 110cc and i am wanting to do it up and want a cradle frame for it. I wanna know whats on the market and how much :D
yeh thanks bit pricey though :S is there any other cheaper but same quality frames?
the old addage 'speed costs money, how fast do you want to spend?' applys here
Yeh man true but the thing is that school hols are finishing to quick and i need it by the 2nd of feb
Yeh man true but the thing is that school hols are finishing to quick and i need it by the 2nd of feb

and the older you get the faster the YEARS go...

wouldnt you take this into consideration at the inital purchase of a new bike!??

boggles my mind the way some people rush into things ey. :rolleyes:

ah well.. live and learn :D
and the older you get the faster the YEARS go...

wouldnt you take this into consideration at the inital purchase of a new bike!??

boggles my mind the way some people rush into things ey. :rolleyes:

ah well.. live and learn :D

Yeh but the thing is i wanted to build a brand new bike from scratch and call it a crf 50 when the base is pitpro 110 :p

btw thanks mini mulisha found a sik 50's frame for $450 thanks heaps.
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LOL, 2nd of feb and in melbourne??
Are you racing in the miniSX or just gonna ride at the frankston track after the miniSX?? lol
Sano are one of the best but also one of the most expensive. What frame do u curently have? R u heavy and doing big jumps because if it aint broke yet then dont fix it. After all it is a pitpro so I would upgrade the suspension first which will take alot of stress off the frame and will be the best upgrade u could do. Frames bend or crack from the suspension bottoming out so suspension is the most crucial part of a pitty to improve ride and handling.
im not worried about the frame bending or cracking im worried that the engine and footpegs falling off the frame cause its not cradle