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Active Member
Jan 29, 2011
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Anyhoo i went to the fast 50's day at fairburn track. I set the bike up differently has all the safety gear and got some use from it.

anyway i went over a jump and all i remember is i went over a jump came down and thought to myself as i was going down "this is gonna hurt". God i hate being right. did anyone see what happened? What sux is i dont know what happened. Anyway i know that my left hand was under my rib cage near my armpit when i came off just where there is no armour. I can't laugh, lie down, sneeze...well not true.. i can sneeze but the pain lasts for about half an hour! so i think i have a cracked or broken rib. I'm off to casulty this arvo. other injuries are i lost a little bark on my arm, my little finger is so swollen its bigger than my middle finger. a bruse on my shoulder. and my right knee really hurts.

So even though i copped a bit of damage i did have full armour, boots, helmet, gloves goggles. I also ride a CBR and i see people on bikes with shorts and tshirt. i think to myself "they have never come off". and if they did i dont have much sympathy. I know the hospital uses a wire brush to get gravel and other crap out of wounds.

so i dress for the fall not the ride.

Now im off to casulty. but the good news is Im going the next day in a car and not on the same day in a Ambluence.

see ya at the track (after ive healed)

Oh and thankyou to all that were there. There was not much you could do but all the help was really fantastic!

That doesn't sound very nice at all.

I totally understand the sneeze pain.

I injured my ribs far less dramatically two years ago. I foolishly decided I should start playing golf again and was practicing very regularly. There was a big target on the net at the end of the driving range and my mission was to hit it and hopefully break it.

I had a few little twinges of pain but didn't think too much of it. The pain increased over the following week and when my new clubs arrived it was quite bad. New clubs, damn the pain. The Titanium, double walled, oversize driver was going to be the answer to my target breaking mission.

Every stroke had me grimacing in pain. Seriously it felt like things were tearing in the right side of my rib cage. I was feeling manly though and thought of the whole elite athlete thing of breaking through the pain barrier. I was a moron and was no more elite athlete than I was wonder woman.

For the next 2 months I could only roll out of bed. I could not sit up from a lying position. If I coughed it felt like someone was stabbing me in my ribs with a red hot kitchen knife. If I sneezed it was the same. Laughing very quickly turned to crying and the slightest move in the wrong direction involving the use of any of the muscles in my right side would very quickly cause me to crash in a heap.

I have never used those golf clubs again and I have returned to motor bike riding in order to avoid further injuries from my grown up hobbies.

I hope you dont have the same sort of time out as I did though at least you can tell people you were injured by crashing your motorcycle whilst jumping. That is infinitely more cool than telling people you injured yourself playing golf.

I wish you a speedy recovery and even though deep heat smells bad, it can sometimes offer temporary relief.

got back from the hospital

Hey logic How exactly do you get a golfing injury?

just found out my 8th rib has a clean break. My first broken bone! Another one to tick off the things to do before you die list.

No riding for me for at least 4 weeks. Geeeez i cant even ride the CBR

on the up side they give you some really great pain killers.

Mmmmmmm Piankillers

Hi Mate.

Torn rib muscles.

I didnt even know I had them.

The stuff you eat when you eat ribs.

Weird I know, but thats what I did. I have had broken bones, had nurses try to shove things up my butt that didnt belong there and smashed face first into bitumen more than once.

Golf did it to me though. No wonder Tiger Woods is having such a bad time.

That sucks mate glad to here u can ride again in 4 weeks that isn't to bad
Hope ya have a sPeedy recovery
surely with the amount of helmet cams out there, someone must have it on camera! :)

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