Busted By The Cops - Your tales

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Good point........ do the crime, do the time...... (unless you don't get caught)
ok i was just thinking about going to get some food on my bike, Now maybe not. I might just take the car.
ive been busted before......
i was diquafide for drivin for a year then i got busted on a thumpstar...
disquaifide for 2 years $1500 fine and 1 year section 9 good behavour bond
hmmm.. serves ya right i say... should have learnt your lesson the first time!
Yep, if they can get you the first time, they'll sure as rain get you again.
Never catched me, Cause i never stopped ;)
Was out riding with a crew last weekend and we crossed from tracks that were on crown land to Council controlled land. When we got on those tracks we noticed what looked to be a 4wd about 500m further up. I thought I may as well check it out. I made sure i made heaps of noise as I approached so they would make their presence known early then when I got 50m away some prick jumped out with blue overalls trying to wave me down. I just u-turned and we all bailed back to our cars (big ride). He went running back to his 4wd like has was gonna make a call for backup or whatever - is suspected he was calling the cops to meet us back at our cars. was pretty funny though one of my mates went over the handlebars on the way back, and one got a massive stick caught between his back wheel and swingarm was a bitch having to stop and help. But all in all I think they were out there trying to stop dudes riding in there and Im not going back for a little while so they should be happy. I wouldn't stop for anyone but a cop and thats only if I knew id get caught but I got a mc license and a helmet so i think I would only have to pay an unrego'ed fine which is like $330.

We were lucky we didnt come in from the the usual way cause its a blind corner he had set up on and we would have ended up in his lap for sure.
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Is there an added fine for running?
How much more? and would it be classified as "resisting arrest"? I thought you can go to jail for that, or is there something else like "resisting a fine" ?
were u guys wearing helmets aswell?
there is also another fine of like 150 if ur wearing no helmet, im gonna go ridin 2morrow so i ope the cops aren't around.
PASCAL why ride illegally and hope the cops are there??
why not ride legally and not worry about the cops

its so stupid
I'll ride where i want, who are you to tell pascal or anyone what they should/shouldnt do? ;)
To be honest, i think this post is a bit of a wank.

If your going to ride illigally, u know its illigal so don't bitch and whinge when you cop a fine. The cops are just doing their jobs. Its different if your not doing something illigal, like pushing your bike along the footpath while u stand next to it and a nasty cop comes up and books you for "riding" a bike on the footpath....if that happens, by all means, bitch and moan all you want.

The moral is, if your prepared to break the law, be prepaird to cop the punishment. It might not be the first time, or the third time, or the 50th time, but at some point, it WILL happen, its the law of averages.

I have broken the law many times, i've been caught a few times, each time i've been aware that i'm breaking the law and you have no choice but to cop it on the chin, harden the f**k up and learn from it.
ive been chased by cops twice or 3 times once when i was riding with my mates along the creek of my old school we were al lhaving a burnout comp, and then this cop starts driving past on the road jsut up the top we all split and for sum reason they chase me and i quickly crossed the road n and go threw the creeks home. .. another time i decided to ride home on the road(stupid idea) , from my mates so as im crusing in 3rd this guy starts flying doin 120kmh/140km/h easy and then he starts having a ago ( Turn off you f@$king Bike, Get the F@#k Off the Road)at me so i turn quickly into a primary school hide, as soon as he duz a u turn to get me go out and run gun it to the end of the road n go into the creek and go home.. its crazy but your heart beats 100 times per seconds n you pannic so much
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hmmm.. serves ya right i say... should have learnt your lesson the first time!

oi dick head i got caught in a car drivin suspened thats how i lost my license
anyway simple way to not get caught ridin on the road is to push ur bike to the bush then go from there the copshere in cessnock dont care about us ridin in the bush its just on the roads
got caught

f**k everyone i got caught by the cops today at the bush riding me pitty and got a 2 grand fine. i wasnt riding it but i was building jumps for it and they gave me the fine

has anyone else been caught and how mush was the fine

cheers drew