Do you prefer to ride saturday or sunday?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2009
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Just wondering what day over the weekend do you prefer to ride?
Saturday or Sunday!

As Nicko and I plan on organising a monthly ride day, just interested in which day is more popular as I got a lot of different feed back from Ciniworx, braaap, buzz bikes and Motorbike city today! Companies are saying Sundays but at the moment the rides are on Saturdays!

Please everyone answers even if you aren't in Victoria!
it doesnt have much to do with me because of location but i would of thought Sunday would be better too, specially if bike shops are involved..
there open Saturdays yeah?

Sunday everyone gets a full day ride in Saturday most people only get couple hours in..

myself i ride Sundays due to having to watch the kids on Saturday as my missus works lol
umm i tend to ride everyday... BUT probably saturday. im only a kid so work and kids dont concern me (i have sunday sport.pedal prix) so i like saturdays coz if i fu(k my bike i can fix it that day, just preference oh and i tend to sleep all Sundays after my pedal pri training
Sunday for me, work from mon-saturday.

Recovery = bitch and moan monday morning :D
Yeah I just wanna ride both days. But telstra make me do this thing called "work" sundays, so the rides have always been on saturdays because of that. But I'm ready to tell the big T to fudge off on sundays because riding is WAY more important!
I'd ride sat coz if I break something or do something wrong I can go
to braap Sunday and fix it and ride
the following Saturday I love not working weekends :)

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