nyaaaa hi.
So ive put a new YX 140 into my pit. But im using the old 26mm mikuni from the old 125cc. Its a fake mikuni i presume (bike is atomik)
the main is 95, and the pilot is 15 (from what i can read).
What would you all recomend for a YX 140cc that is running a cam kit and rated around 14hp (from JR Racing).
I ran the motor in last weekend, and only today i pulled the plug to see wusup, and the motor is running lean. But i also found one bolt on the inlet manifold was semi stripped, so i removed the plastic inlet manifold spacer, and bolted the manifold back on + gaskets only.
I had to re adjust idle as it was way too high. now it idles like a mad kant.
I still havent played with plug chops yet, as the motor was only just run in. I'll do that this weekend. But in general, are the jet sizes listed OK for my motor?
Or should i go bigger?
the jets i can get easily are:
mains 102.5, 105,92.5,97.5
pliot 20,25,,17.5
oh and yes i will follow the carb tuning guide. But i thought id ask first as im lazy to search.
So ive put a new YX 140 into my pit. But im using the old 26mm mikuni from the old 125cc. Its a fake mikuni i presume (bike is atomik)
the main is 95, and the pilot is 15 (from what i can read).
What would you all recomend for a YX 140cc that is running a cam kit and rated around 14hp (from JR Racing).
I ran the motor in last weekend, and only today i pulled the plug to see wusup, and the motor is running lean. But i also found one bolt on the inlet manifold was semi stripped, so i removed the plastic inlet manifold spacer, and bolted the manifold back on + gaskets only.
I had to re adjust idle as it was way too high. now it idles like a mad kant.
I still havent played with plug chops yet, as the motor was only just run in. I'll do that this weekend. But in general, are the jet sizes listed OK for my motor?
Or should i go bigger?
the jets i can get easily are:
mains 102.5, 105,92.5,97.5
pliot 20,25,,17.5
oh and yes i will follow the carb tuning guide. But i thought id ask first as im lazy to search.