Jumps / Bent Frames / Cheap bikes?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2007
Reaction score
Orion ProSeries

whats the deal with these cheap bikes jumping?

will they handle 1-3ft jumps without bending? or is it just a case of do a few jumps and it will def bend?

i dont wanna jump and have it bend straight away, i realise after months of jumping they will start bending,

if so whats gonna bend first? so i can brace that area maybe

Thanks yet again:D
Not sure about your bike...but ive been jumping a tabletop a good 10 feet or so to FLAT and the frame and everything else is fine...ive also done shit loads of other jumps with no problems!
people say mxbs have weak frames but ive jumped mine and it hasnt bent yet
As long as you land properly on a down ramp the frame will be fine, just land smoothly and dont land on flat land.
my mate has a similar frame and jumps our 30ft tabletop and it was fine until he flat landed it at about 40feet, wasn't a huge bend just light up the oxy welder and bend her back then weld in a support gullet.
Sweet Fellas!!!

will get the shovel out this week in the vacant block next to us and give it a go:D

if i do end up bending it or breaking it, ive got the next month off the bike and off work, so ill have plenty of time fixing it... (4 weeks no riding while both feet are healing from next weeks operation, it sucks balls big time!!!!)

plenty of time to sell the orion and order my new MSO :D
i have had both the agb 27 and agb21 orions and have fuked both the frames on little jumps, but that was flat landing. as long as you land on a nice down ramp and land well you should be able to jump fairly decent jumps... just make sure you dont give it just that little bit too much over the up ramp cause all it takes is a little bit to much and you will flat land n it will be all over for the frame lol
Yes its a very fine line between jumping too far and not making it, sometimes...

Seems everyone is buying MSO's and Pitpro's... Ive got mine! :D
Sweet Fellas!!!

will get the shovel out this week in the vacant block next to us and give it a go:D

Haha ill ride along the victa to goolwa bike track and hit your ramps lol...actually that would be fun..especially between goolwa and middleton!
haha now thats a bloody good idea!!! LOL

the sign does say "bike" track, so technically we're allowed :p

while my feet are healing iam gonna go searching for a nice bit of crown to use for jumps/mini track,

i was thinking there must be some land at the back of Middleton/Elliot up in the hills hey Geezus that we could use?

do you know any scrub spots around our way that can be used for small track and say like 3 or 4 good jumps?????

iam on the SEARCH now, will keep ya posted geezus ;)

as for the frame ill keep the flat landing comments on board, Thanks
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only if the victa looks similar to this! :D

Or you could try this one and you can do lunch to!:p
hmm..its a bit gay around here because EVERYTHING is fenced off..its soooo gay...but i guess with a bit of searching you might come across a patch up in the hills behind middleton or somewhere like that.
ive got an Orion 125 pro series 2006 (hence the name) and that jumps fine I alwayst land flat and nothings happend. But just check the bolts that hold the engine to the frame they get loose a little bit
this is an old thread and pitmaster doesnt have that bike anymore lol. i had one and it lasted 2 years but i didnt jump on it much as the bike was really front heavy.