May 8th... I'm going to Parwan.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2009
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Well since there was completely no interest shown in going to frankston tomorrow I have pulled the plug on me going. This is my last chance to ride in Victoria before I move and I want to enjoy it. So if anyone is keen on going for a ride see ya at parwan!

Really grateful to the awesome people I have meet and have come to these ride days over the last while...

Juzzzy, jake, krazed, motovert24, darkrider, devomoto, mattyb, ktm#85, ezgoes1, lukep45, sam93, jackow93, tdr, reefy, brad199, coolie, ando and I know there is others that came I just don't remember you all. Oh motorman for his one turn up, hang over!

Also massive thank you to ciniworxs and there crew for coming to them all and bringing like 10 riders with them.

Buzzbikes for coming and also bringing there crew and filling the bus with extra riders and helping with lifts. TONY! His a top bloke and has what it takes to do ride days and I truly hope that he does something or sorts something so that buzz bikes start doing ride days!

Motorbike city for all the times they came and dom just being a crack up! Made me laugh my butt off!

Also some non-miniriders like Scotty a good mate of mine thats helped out heaps with bikes!

I remember the first ride day, all that was there was Coolie, ando, dvdrip, 2 randoms on shatters and myself! Had a fun day and covered coolies bike in braaap stickers. Then it took off quickly after that to the parwan ride day with 50 riders!

Thank you to all the 30 shops around victoria that put our flyers on there counters and thanks to all the randoms that picked up them flyers and showed up to the ride day!

Big thanks to James for always reminding me that without me just doing some simple things none of this would of happened. Sad to all end like this with poor turn outs and lack of interest.

Maybe see some of you at parwan. Then after that, maybe see you on the race track in NSW!
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might see ya at parwan tomorrow then.... i'll be in the big blue monster truck :p

if im feeling well enuf to go that is lol
Rach you deserve a massive thankyou as well, even though your all the way in Viccy I can see you've made a great effort in supporting the minibike scene and getting people out there to have a go.

Good luck with your move interstate!!

Kind regards,
now all you got to look foward to is rusty. DHZ.Pitster, ming'n. Classic honda. aka Jaimie, Dazza,Peto,.Durant.Wayne.Bully.The Newcastle lads and the kings of nsw fat boys Macka and Damo, how will youn manage??? we welcome you
now all you got to look foward to is rusty. DHZ.Pitster, ming'n. Classic honda. aka Jaimie, Dazza,Peto,.Durant.Wayne.Bully.The Newcastle lads and the kings of nsw fat boys Macka and Damo, how will youn manage??? we welcome you

Ha ha cheers DHZ_XR8cing :) I'm really excited and can't wait to be around people that ACTUALLY want to ride there bikes and not just talk about riding them ha ha. Living with Macka I am sure I will be riding heaps more then I am down here, I will be stealing his bikes while his not looking :D

Riding next saturday you better come!
my concentration is getting my girlfriend to race. and very soon. She aint been riding long. maybe a year at most. Buit she will be at the front of the pack before a year is up.I dare any women to take her on. I see a challenge. ps minibiker. Rach will be living in the capital of mini racing with the mayor.AKA Macka. My girl lives in the nock with fat boy mini prime minister Damo. Good time to mention we are 1 and 2 in Aus over 100kg.To date not challenged and undisputed.
Wish I could make it tomorrow, sadly I'll be stuck indoors as I've promised to help my girlfriend with uni work; hope there's a good turn out. Props for all your organisation and the epic drive around Vic in search of a ride, hahaha.

Good luck with the move, I look forward to hearing of your showdown with DHZ's missus :p
thanks rach for organising the ride days in vic. unfortiantly, i can't join the crew tomorrow.
some day, ay. when i get older i think i'll urge myself to take a trip to nsw for a ride.
untill then, thank you for keeping the support alive in vic.

viper sx
covered coolies bike in braaap stickers. Then it took off quickly after that

A huh so it is true that putting braaap stickers on your bike will make it go faster :fumeur7:
Damo if you talk in 3rd person again I'm gonna kick you in the nuts!! It's like my number one hate haha. But yes I look forward to being up there and riding with you guys and your missus. Me and her have to start our own little girl race team and take out the dirt dolls lol
You know theres an initiation before you'll be accepted as a New South Welshman Racho, you cant just move here and claim to be one.
Ha ha yeah and what's wayno? I thought dating the mayor would of been more then enough lol