Mikuni 30 mm or Keihin replica Oko Flatside 26mm

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Dec 23, 2007
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Hi guys need a new carby got a lifan 125cc all up gears grey motor and need a new carbby whick would give me more power and be a more reliable better carby, something thatl gimme that extra kick , plz reply soon as i wanna get one by 2moro or the next day so if any one could help it would be appreiciated

Keihin Replica 26 mm
KEIHIN REPLICA PWK 26mm FLATSLIDE CARBY KIT 140CC 125CC - eBay Other Makes, Bikes, Motorcycle Parts, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 30-Jan-08 19:06:00 AEDST)

Mikuni 30 mm
NEW MIKUNI 30mm RACING CARBURETOR KIT 140CC 125CC LIFAN - eBay Other Makes, Bikes, Motorcycle Parts, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 13-Feb-08 10:42:02 AEDST)
I'd go the 26 mm flat slide ...... then learn how to dial it in .... IF you can't sort it out or have the skills to ride with one you can always sell it or swap it with someone ...... the only other carb that the yanks reckon is better and easier to tune is a 26 mm OKO round slide carb ...... but they're more expensive ....... a genuine 26 mm VM-26 mikuni is supposed to be the absolute best .

There's also a guy in OZ selling 27 mm pumper carbs which even the dorkiest rider with the lousiest throttling technique can make work .......
What carb have you got on your bike atm? Can't go past the mikuni VM series, but there expensive. Try getting someone to play with the jetting of your carby.
i dont get it so its not like ur average carby ?? like what do i have to do ?plz expllaaaain

THanks heaps
i got the stock carby which is kf or something .. but like the mikuni 30 mm is from dhz i dont think its the vm series .. i just need something atm ..
go the OKO 26mm, they are supposed to give better response and should be easier to dial in because of the easier to get to screws. The Mikuni copy is only a 26mm aswel as its a oval bore and they are harder to dial in because of the hard to reach mixture screw.

I have a Mikuni "30mm" on my bike at the moment and have a OKO 26mm on the way so if you wait a week or two I can tell you how they compare.
so what lol
are u going to mount ur carby sideways??
i remember a year or two back i was going thru some of my uncles stuff and found a carby with a mixture screw that u could turn with ur fingers
it was like a knob thing
probly be easy if u could source 1 of them
has anyone got one of those 27mm pumper carbys that SAFB sells? are they any good and would it make much difference to a stock motor or just for high performance engines?

heres the link
They'd work better even on a stocker since the fuel is squirted in as you turn the throttle ....... that would overcome bogging and hesitation when you whop the throttle open fast ...... it will also give the engine more pulling power ....

Stock carbs rely totaly on vacuum to pull fuel thru the jets ..... so when you snap the throttle open fast there is a momentary velocity drop which causes the hesitation ..... before the motor starts to recover a few seconds later ....

CRF's , KXF's , YZF's etc and carburettored cars all have accelerator pump carbs .... that's why they have such good throttle response and smooth power delivery ......

I bought a 28 mm and a 26 mm OKO flatslide kit off DHZ plus a 26 mm Miconi VM-26 copy ..... but I can't honestly comment because I haven't tried them yet ..... I have tuned engines with a "30" mm Mikuni , "25" mm Mikuni and Genuine 22 mm Keihin (which could be BS'd as a 24 mm carb) and they all worked spot on ....... you can get any carb to work great if you're experienced at tuning 4 strokes ..... and as far as I'm concerned ...... it's all childs play ...... the ONLY thing that would mess you up is if you couldn't buy jets and parts ......
I'd go the 26 mm flat slide ...... then learn how to dial it in .... IF you can't sort it out or have the skills to ride with one you can always sell it or swap it with someone ...... the only other carb that the yanks reckon is better and easier to tune is a 26 mm OKO round slide carb ...... but they're more expensive ....... a genuine 26 mm VM-26 mikuni is supposed to be the absolute best .

There's also a guy in OZ selling 27 mm pumper carbs which even the dorkiest rider with the lousiest throttling technique can make work .......

Cactus, MSO are getting me an OKO-26 to play with. Assuming good air filtering, 25C, and moderate humidity, then what are the base settings (jetting, needle clip, float level, etc) for the OKO26 ? If need be, I can be disciplined with desires for sudden throttle opening.

Who sells the 27mm pumpers? FCRs? Expensive?
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And you can buy the air/fuel screws with a knob on the end for easy tuning.. They advertise them per bike model, not per carby though. Billards and most bike shops sell them.
do the "mikuni" and OKO carbs use the same jets? can u buy replacement jets from any old motorbike shop? or eBay?
"mikuni" and OKO jets are different
for the mikuni I simply took my old jets into the local bike wreckers and he had alot to choose from, got my OKO this arvo so will go have a look for jets to suit tomorrow.

If you are chasing some take atleast your old jets in and they should be able to tell you what kind they are, most bikes shops should be able to get the mikuni ones easily and i imagine the OKO ones should be the same.
If you have a china the carbys are usually tuned pretty badly for performance, they seem to be set up for easy starting and being able to ride straight away without warming up.

Dialing in is tuning so that you get top performance at any throttle position.
I'm looking in to getting a pumper carb from safb for $120 +postage, so in a week or so i should know if they are any good.

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