Mini bike blitz 'crushes' junior hoons!!!

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Active Member
Jun 5, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria
Hey Guys, I Saw This On The Net People Might Wake Up To Them Selves Now.

AS Frankston Council sent thousands of dollars worth of mini bikes to the crushers last week, police were warning parents to think twice before buying new ones for Christmas.

Sergeant Bruce Buchan said parents should budget for an extra $1700 to cover the cost of fines and release fees if the bikes were seized while being ridden illegally on roads or council reserves.

He said complaints about mini and monkey bikes had dropped from about 40 a weekend to none in the weeks following the council's adoption of a local law giving police the power to seize the bikes.

Out of 27 bikes taken in the crackdown, only four owners had opted to pay the $550 release fees. Even though the fees have been paid, the bikes will remain in custody for months.

"Just because the number of complaints has dropped off it doesn't mean there are still no problems," Sergeant Buchan said.

On Friday, Frankston Mayor Glenn Aitken, Cr Colin Hampton and police watched as nine unclaimed and unregistered motorbikes were flattened by a front-end loader at Sims Metal in Seaford.

In July, Frankston became the first Victorian municipality to introduce a local law enabling authorised officers to impound illegally-used monkey bikes, mini bikes and trail bikes.

Police have since impounded 27 motorbikes. Penalties include fines starting from $550 and six-month impoundment, which increases for subsequent offences.

The council can destroy any impounded motorcycle if the owner does not pay the fines within seven days of receiving the notice of impoundment.

Senior Sergeant Terry Bannan, of the Frankston traffic management unit, said the motorbikes "can also be lethal when mixed with bravado and stupidity".

Cr Aitken said a series of accidents involving monkey bikes showed "there is no room or latitude whatsoever for young people to be riding monkey bikes on our public roads, footpaths and reserves".

"The end result will be further loss of life and serious injuries. And the final message must go to the parents and guardians of these kids - that it is totally irresponsible of them to allow children under their care on these bikes out in public places."

Cr Aitken urged people to "provide us with the residential address of where these bikes are coming from" by phoning the Frankston hoon hotline on 1800664666.


Whats the bet 23 out of the 27 were chinas. How do I know you ask?

Because Only four people paid the release fee.
he looks pretty smug sitting on that bike.

but serves them right for breaking the law. it will stop many people from doing that ever again.

even though it is harsh i think that it works. break the law and they'll break your bikes, seems to work in stopping me from riding on the road
yeah, the police impound the bikes then go on youtube type in police testing 110cc pitbike funny as stuff i insist you watch it.

seeing now they crush bikes notice how dramaticly numbers drop dosnt seem to bother ppl in melbourne i love sitting in bed with the window open hear pitbike fly up the main road 2 houses behind us
Whats the bet 23 out of the 27 were chinas. How do I know you ask?

Because Only four people paid the release fee.

They were probably all china's but i sure as hell would be paying the release fee for my honda. they sure have been getting tough with 50s lately in some spots, i heard in a conservation park near here they ended up bringing the cop helicopter in to catch the guys on 50s because they couldnt do it any other way.
Whats the bet 23 out of the 27 were chinas. How do I know you ask?

Because Only four people paid the release fee.

I'd pay the release for my CHINA cause I dont wanna get a honda...:p
Good solution Australia. Are we fuckin dumb. Excuse my french but has the Government actually going to do anything to stop why a large proportion of these riders actually ride illegally?

Mybe , just mybe we dont have a number of adaquate facilaties that are legal to ride. How many friggin Cricket pitches , basket ball courts do we need. Kids dont use them all the time. Kids would use a decent riding facility all the time. All the State Governments keep doing is flexing the power muscles and sayung ' look what we can do' - Sounds like America to me. God fuckin help me if Australia becomes America because im pissin off on the first flight to NZ. Sticking a bunch of Christmas presents in the bin isnt solving really any long term solutions. As long as bikes are cheap and there are enough people to disregard the law and ride them in illegal places every scrap yard will be full of these bikes.

If the Government had any idea about what works they would relise the success of establishing facilities for these kinds of sports. But no , we crush the bikes. Fuck the kids , your going to play cricket and thats the end of that.

We need riding facilities thats the answer , the reality is that the state and local governments are too busy locking kids away for riding their little motorbike to relise this.

Dumb , dumb , dumb , dumb , dumb , dumb.

Could this be the new sort of motorcycle wreckers.

( Excuase language , I dont condone in any way but its the only language technique I can express my opinion effectively in)
yeah, go unit you tellem!
I think that the government should allow bikes onto certain places at certain times of the day.
I totally agree with Unit. How much money does the govt spend on tryin to catch bike riders when maybe the money can be spent on controlled ridin spots. Iknow that some people really deserve to get punished though as they are just plain idiots riding on roads ect. and stirring up the neighbourhood but most of us just want somewhere to ride without bein hassled. I would gladly pay money for insurance or permit if it meant I could have fun and not worry bout cops and fines ect. Up here in Mackay the cops chase people on drz400's even in the bush with no houses around. If people get fined when they try to do the right thing and go bush, naturally they wont care about doin the right thing next time. I guess the cops have to raise money for there christmas fund somehow eh. A few weeks ago I witnessed a bike cop fine a 6yr old kid $150 on a pw50 in the bush a couple of k's from any houses, if thats not revenue raisin I dont know what is. I'd sooner have my kid ridin a bike gettin exercise than playin a xbox all day gettin fat.
wouldnt give my bike up thats for sure.

pig cents, Instead of forking out all the effort and money to crush them, build a fucking track/place to ride them, downers.

If the gov make a public track, of course big bikes will come invade and destroy it haha :D
Good solution Australia. Are we fuckin dumb. Excuse my french but has the Government actually going to do anything to stop why a large proportion of these riders actually ride illegally?

Mybe , just mybe we dont have a number of adaquate facilaties that are legal to ride.

the problem is unit there is a track in frankston
but there perants wont take them there it only costs $25 and is pretty fun

because the china's are so cheap there perants agree to buy them for them but are not willing to support them in the sport

in saying that the government also are doing nothing to support this sport either but you are never going to get a free government funded track which is what we want really

i personally dont mind paying for a good track to ride but there are only 3 public access tracks in melbourne and i'm not sure for how long

if they where to build a track in pakenham one say oo there's heaps of places not being used that could be alocated to the cause but no they get built up and the concrete plague take's over

i'm lucky i've got plenty of good places to ride

but most dont!!!!!