Photobucket rawwwwwwwww

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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2008
Reaction score
Hey hey,
Im getting pretty frustrated atm...Trying to upload pics to photobucket...It keeps telling me theyre uploaded, but theyre NOT!!!!!!!!!! rarghhh :mad:
Ive used it plenty of times b4 and not had a problem...WTF..
Is ne1 else having this problem??
NVM, Just used the bulk uploader option and it worked :D
Photobuckets not showin any of my pics on the forum because it says ive exceeded my limit and need to upgrade to pro. WTF? Is that there way of saying pay me? I havnt looked yet but is pro going to cost me money? Anyone know?
Im guessing it would probably cost ya $$, Make a new account? :p
Yer pro does cost $, not sure how much tho, but yer, make a new account, and that might be your problem too Danity, check if you have reached your limit.
I deleted alot of pics from it and that didnt help coz my old pics still wont show up. A new account aint the problem its all the pics I already posted that cant be seen anymore which is the problem.

This is what happens when I post a pic:

Ohh gammon!
Ripped off I_thump,
Wouldnt have a clue how to fix it, Other then buy pro lol
I guess what their sayin is ''you're rents due mother f****r''

Im goin to have to go on a photobucket boycott if thats how they are goin to treat me.
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Dang thumps thats ghey! i noticed im half way to my limit.. will keep an eye on that.. new account at 95% ;)
i just attach my photos as thumbnails now rather then using photobucket now that mines halfway to the limit lol
Apparently the bandwidth is different to account storage and your allowed a certain amount of bandwidth each month so in a few days my pics should become viewable again. So basically the more times your pics are viewed on different sites the closer you get to reaching your bandwidth limit. You can view how much bandwidth you are currently using in the photobucket options.

This is what photobucket says about bandwidth:

Bandwidth is used when digital content is viewed from a link you have posted on another website or in an email (e.g. MySpace, eBay, message boards, etc.). Bandwidth is a measure of the number of bytes passed over time via direct linking. It is calculated by adding up the size of each of your images or videos as they are sent from Photobucket. The 'Monthly Bandwidth' number is the amount of bandwidth you have used within the last month. The month is determined by the day of the month you registered your account.

Bandwidth usage is unmetered for Pro accounts, however Photobucket reserves the right to disable direct linking on accounts that are using excessive bandwidth or otherwise abusing the system. The current usage number for Pro accounts is displayed in your Account Options just to give an idea of your current usage level. Free accounts are allowed 10 GB of bandwidth per month. This is hundreds of thousands of images viewed via direct links
Lol.. ahhh k so you gotta stop posting all that Pr0n huh... Spewin..