police on 110cc

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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redbank plain, ipswich
i dunno if this video has been on here before but im wondering if the police brought the bike or took it off some kid?? funny has all hell but....hahahahahaha:lol_hitting:

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/_VHhRSUNY4s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
They took it off a kid.. or it was a stolen bike.. one or the other,

but super funny dumb ass hahaahahahahahah
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They are obviously just as keen to ride as we are.

Far less skilled though.

They should give the bike back to the poor pimply faced kid they took it from and ask him/her for riding lessons.

Member seeing it on news at fare while back now! was on A Current Affair n all. the copper selia end up getn in heap of trouble over it. took it of kid riden it on pubic road somewhere. Say if yas keen you look somewhere find more info on story.
Member seeing it on news at fare while back now! was on A Current Affair n all. the copper selia end up getn in heap of trouble over it. took it of kid riden it on pubic road somewhere.

yeah, i remember this.
old as, i was a younger noob back then. i first saw it on aca
:finup: ha ha ha thats what you get when you are a f***ing stupid d**k head.... lets see the owner of the bike take a pertroll car for a spin streight into a wall that would be only fair an eye for an eye week c**ts.......
yeah man i remember this from when i just learnt to ride lol it looks like the female officer in our town... doubt it but lol it would be so funny if it was though :p

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