Mini Dirt Bikes & Pit Bikes Forum

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hey guys, I was goin thru some old threads & I figured that we should start a REAL SERIAL NUMBER DATA BASE

if you've ever gotten a pit bike & wanted 2 know what make it is, or mayb you know who makes the frame / body but the engines been swapped out & would like 2 hav a little bit of INFO on it, for purchasing parts & what not..

this will be the place, it's open 2 suggestions & it'll be fully, 100% Member Contributions!

I'm thinking, organized by Company/Brand Name, then Engine, then Size?

again, stop me if I'm wrong OR just help out by giving INFO on your bike?

as it'll take more than just a few members 2 get this rolling, then we can organize!

I think this will really help ppl out & make a difference! (Google gets you nowhere!)

thanks in advance,

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well, its up lol so I'll start writing some info down when I can, with what I have lol (not alot yet)

but it'll be 100% member contributions! once we get some of the basics down & what not, then we (or I..) can start the organization lol it'll most likely take a group effort so I'm hoping we'll have a dedicated group!

I just think it's a good idea bcus everything is interchangeable on these bikes..
(so when you get a bike, its not always with the original parts, or engine!)
I've thought of something like this, well along those lines, but Its a bit hard to coordinate in a forum website. Would really need a standalone site with a database holding all bikes, parts, etc. Probably not worth the time in the end....
I've thought of something like this, well along those lines, but Its a bit hard to coordinate in a forum website. Would really need a standalone site with a database holding all bikes, parts, etc. Probably not worth the time in the end....

it's worth a shot :confused-smiley-013 lol even if we get like, 1 person each that owns a different bike?

then if someone has a Stomp Pitty or w.e they'll know what the S.N starts with ya know?

& I know what you mean about it being on a forum site, that's why I thought that once there's some good, meaningful Data on here, myself being the O.P (Original Poster) I can put the info up on the 1st Post.. that way, every1 gets a chance 2see the stuff! instead of searching thru 50 pages of ppl talking or posting numbers lol

just sign here; :deal: hahaha

it'd be alil work & like I said, take a group effort.. but, I'd be willing 2 come back on everyday if ppl are posting there numbers just 2 try & keep it organized, then mayb (MAYBE) lol some1 else could make sure ppl arnt posting double S.N's or just putting up nonsense (like a moderator!?) :mod: Lol

I'm talking like, getting this whole Site & the members involved, so ppl that have the problem in the future, that we've had in the past, can actually get somewhere!