swing arms

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Active Member
Aug 25, 2012
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got an A type swing arm looking to change to a H type or motocross style for comfort is it easy??? also change from drum to disc back? possibly 10 inch tyre to 12 any help is awesome got a new frame on the way so I wanna do it all at the same time
Is there a question here Adrian, or are you simply making a statement ??
maybe I worded that badly.... I want to change my swing arm it is currently an A type why is needed? new shock and arm obviously but do they bolt up easy?? and the drum to disc do I need a certain swing arm? obviously an extended arm is needed for a bigger tyre
Well that is still badly worded, but getting there. Being that this is posted in Chinese minis, firstly what bike are you looking to mod ?? And what level of parts are you looking to buy ? How much cash you wanna part with on this build ??
I ordered a crf50 frame from dhz. I wanna trail ride and currently have a crf50 style bike knock off with a bent frame just wanna make it nicer to ride and not to worried how much I spend but nothing ridiculous.
I'm on my iPhone lol that was meant to say before what is needed not why is needed LOL
I understood it easy, i'm not sure how anyone couldn't understand what you said in your first comment. Once you get it done, comment how ya went bud i am thinking of geting a different swinger aswell and am not sure what mods need to be made for a certain type of swingarm.
I understood it easy, i'm not sure how anyone couldn't understand what you said in your first comment. Once you get it done, comment how ya went bud i am thinking of geting a different swinger aswell and am not sure what mods need to be made for a certain type of swingarm.

Well Honda, your post is written just as badly as Adrian's first post. So maybe there is something in that. And if you understood it so well, why have you not posted any worthwhile information ???


well I just brought a new frame and swinger setup from dhz 600 so it's all good can't wait to set it up
I'm with Swapper on this one, each post is so badly worded that I nearly lost interest reading. I still don't know what the question is, if there is one. If you wanna trail ride then I suggest getting better suspension you didn't really need to get a new swinger. Softer the better. We can't help without knowing what you've got, what your getting & what your doing. It sounds like you don't know if the swingers gonna fit and that comes down to you researching it and you fitting it.
well I just brought a new frame and swinger setup from dhz 600 so it's all good can't wait to set it up
posted that twice apparently lol... I wanted a new swinger. can't fit a 12 inch tyre wih my old one. but dhz sorted me out there is sfa on the net that tells u what u need to swap from an A type swing arm to a H type or whatever u wanna call it. well there might be but I can't find it surfin the Internet on my iPhone
I’m sorry for not being proper princess. I will make sure to use correct spelling and grammar from now on. I asked Adrian to comment about his project so I can get an idea of what to do. You’re is the word you’re looking for Brendo, not your. Gonna is not a word either, that is if we are all being proper.
I***8217;m sorry for not being proper princess. I will make sure to use correct spelling and grammar from now on. I asked Adrian to comment about his project so I can get an idea of what to do. You***8217;re is the word you***8217;re looking for Brendo, not your. Gonna is not a word either, that is if we are all being proper.

First of all I wasn't even pointing it directly at you mate you've taken offence at something that wasn't essentially for you. Don't go insulting people you don't know mate it gets you no where. I wasn't picking anyone up on grammar either i was picking basic word assembly. I mean i'm one of the worst spellers out there but i couldn't understand it, was there a question or a statement like Swapper said, it just didn't read right, so instead of getting upset and thinking i'm GONNA prove a point here chill out a bit, i didn't even mention you mate.:focus:
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my bad for not starting the topic correctly.... if it was that bad u didn't have to comment. cheers though I sorted it out dhz could UNDERSTAND what I wanted so to the guy that wanted to know how to do it call or email dhz they set me up pretty good and easily didn't cost a packet either :)
Dont be so hypocritical. I wasn't upset bud, don't go turning the screws. I could understand Adrians question just fine, why would you say anything to adrian about his word placement at all? if you couldn't understand it then you shouldn't comment. I am interested in finding out how he gets on with his project, that's why i am in here. Lets just leave it at that.
lol people so worried about proper wording theyre missing the point completely... it was easy to understand imo but im reading the question not critisizing the wording haha