unknown pitbike restore

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
Ellenbrook, WA
Hey guys n gals,

just found this forum and its fkn awesome! thought i would share my restore on my shitty 125cc pitbike i just bought for $50!! :D

it wasnt running, the guy had it sitting out in the weather for 9months.. so when i got it home i pulled it all apart! cleaned the carby/jets, new fuel, and a new spark plug! runs like a dream now! dont think its had many hours!

anyways, here are some pics! more to follow as i clean her up! its very rusty and the plastics are brittle and ugly so i may need to fit new ones!

if you guys have any ideas let me know!


welcome to miniriders mate..

$50 for a running pit bike, thts awesome..

anyways its easier to host the pics on photobucket ot imageshack and paste the img code in
ok thanks!! will do tht 2moro!

it wasnt running at time of purchase.. but for $50 i was prepared to gamble! and it paid off :)
looks like its had a hard life but not from use..
well going by the tyres anyways..

brand wise, sorta looks like a TDR or similar..
it does look like its had a hard life! but from the way the engine runs, i dont think many hours would have been speant on it.

im thinking of now just making it look a bit better and selling it and putting the money into another newer and more powerful bike!

can anyone suggest a good bike around the 1-1.5k mark? i was looking at the atomik 160cc reign bigfoot, but seems like there are alot of mixed reviews on them..

sorta leaning towards something a tad bigger coz im 6'2 and around 100kgs
I love my Atomik 160 Bigfoot best $700 I have spent, but SnItChY is right.

Have a look at that link, you wont be dissapointed with that bike.
yeh pretty stoked for $50. i will just get all rust removed and spray up the frame/engine! i might push for $300.. see how it goes :p

china rider.. how long have you had ur atomik? any downsides? what kind of riding do u do??

the 155z looks fkn sweet! but its double the price of the atomik! probably for good reason! but i have just gotton into riding.. it might be a bit much?? still thinkin..
lol, an engine/bike is only as fast as you twist the throttle...

you can pick up some bad habbits if you start on a shtter but at the same time you dont mind if you stack it a bit lol...
for 2k the revmx looks like the bike to have..
price tells ya that..

revmx.. linkage rear suspension and high quality shocks plus long wheel base makes for a better ride.

nitrous 160...bike is covered in entry level components meaning that you will no doubt replace majority of the bike apart from the engine and spend more than a revmx.

but if yr just after a back yard racer and have no intentions of being an above average rider than the nitrous will be fine.. but bare in mind a rider is only as good as his bike..
hmmmmmmm.. i think i might just save a bit more coin and go the revmx! atleast i wont have to worry so much about sticking my hand in my pocket after each ride!! just read the entire review on it.. and it seems like the way to go!!

thanks for all the suggestions and help guys.. appreciated!
update- spent today making it look half decent! resprayed all the plastics and frame, and removed all the rust and gave it a good polish!

i sprayed the plastics with a matt black, then over the top i sprayed an aluminium paint lightly, which created a flake effect! looks mint i reckon!

here are some pics.. ive removed the stickers as they looked a bit stupid!! lol let me know what you guys think..

had it about a month and a half, been jumping it a and riding berms and racing mates around a paddock. its good... but the suspension is a little lame, and the quality lacks on some of the stuff, but if I could afford a RevMX id go that way.
maybe try roll the barrs back torwards the seat so that there inline with the suspension, i think it handles alot better and feels more natral