Anyone got guns?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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Im going for my fire arm license in 2 weeks, looking at getting a rifle to do some shooting, anyone got guns already?
If people do it's probably not something they would wish to advertise on a public medium...
welcome to the gun show
yes i do, Would like to see someone get em :p wonder how they'd fare against a 12 gauge???
i got 12 shots and u got max fare pretty well with a bitta buck shot in me :p
lol and i'd hit you both from 400 yards, neither of you would hear the shot that gets you.....
Sniper round FTW.... :D
welcome to the gun show

I think that mans one arm would weight more then the whole of me...

I love that you're getting a gun so you can shoot stuff... like what else do you do with them ? :action-smiley-003:
you can do heaps heaps of stuff Rach .... sometimes you don't need to squeeze the trigger, you can make people listen to you ...people that wouldn't give you the time of day will hang on your every word if you point a piece at em ...oh yeah ... I often think ..." this would go better if I had a gun " it comes up most days ... you wouldn't think so but it does .
you can do heaps heaps of stuff Rach .... sometimes you don't need to squeeze the trigger, you can make people listen to you ...people that wouldn't give you the time of day will hang on your every word if you point a piece at em ...oh yeah ... I often think ..." this would go better if I had a gun " it comes up most days ... you wouldn't think so but it does .

i should try this approach at my next job interview...

do you think it would work? lol

"give me a job, or else i pop a cap in Yo'ass??"

I used to go shooting every day of the week. Went 3.5 months straight never missing a day. Awesome fun but over it now. Shot pretty much anything that moves except native animals (barring roo's and wombat's). Had some great times.
i should try this approach at my next job interview...

do you think it would work? lol

"give me a job, or else i pop a cap in Yo'ass??"


Naa I think the interview process calls for a more personal approach Thump .... I'd stab him in the face with a screwdriver straight off the bat ... after all you may end up working for this guy for some time .... so best to open up a good line of communication straight away ... it'll reduce confusion down the track :b_grind:
I'm down to a .22 rifle, a 12g shotgun and my little S&W .40.


Fortunately, my alarm system keeps me from needing it very often;)

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Dam man, time for another couch haha running outa room on that 1

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