Can you take a mini bike on the train :S

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2008
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just came up with this genius idea of taking my bike on the train to laverton station to go riding (seeing as my brother is to lazy to actually take me) anywayz i was wondering if you are allowed to take mini bikes on a train :D
I don't see why not, you can take pushies and pets on, try and see.
NO because they come under the dangerous goods act ... You can't have flammable , toxic or noxious chemicals in a confined space where there are people ...
a mate has done it, but was very lucky.....

I thought about putting my pocket bike on the train, just chuck it in a suit case! haha
Haha lavo station. i wouldnt stress, they got more serious things to worry about than your mini. Worse case scenariao is they ask you to get off the train.i seen a guy get on his 49cc two banger and hammer it past the cop shop up the road after getting on at footscray . .

oh, why dont you ride at Wyndham moto X track in laverton, good track, good people, cheap??? They need more support otherwise the track is in danger of being closed down. Its literally 5 mins drive or 15 mins walk from lavo station.
i no thats were i was planing to go :D ill try n c wat happens i only need to go from yarrivle station to lavo station :) its like 4 stops i think :confused:
Nexium Attorney
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and ill put 1 or 2 small jerry cans in my country road bag so if they try to kick me off ill show them the tank and therell e no petrol in it :)

thats gonna look gay.. country road bags are for chicks XD hahah

maybe try a backpack..

or actually drain the fuel
:p fair enuf ill use a BACK PACK then :D do u recon it will work with the petrol in the bag??
Vapor info
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mate i think you ll be pushing sht up hill... i doubt there going to let you anywhere near the train with a motorbike...
and im pretty sure there even starting to chuck up a stink about pushbikes on a train now

Cactus Jack has outlined the reasons..
:p fair enuf ill use a BACK PACK then :D do u recon it will work with the petrol in the bag??

it would make no difference at all, If they wanna kick you off for having a bike they won't care if it has fuel or not. Try to find the rules that cactus was referring to, if you're in the right then they can't do jack.
I think you're just gonna have to try your luck. I'm pretty sure you'd get away with it. If I had no other way of getting to the track I know I'd do it ;)
i found itt this is wat it says:

Carriage of Items

Customers may take hand luggage and small articles on public transport without charge. Any article that is offensive or may cause discomfort or inconvenience to other customers is not permitted.

Explosives or inflammable liquids are not permitted on any rail premises or vehicles.

Prams, pushers or baby carriages can be carried free at all times. Bicycles and surfboards can also be carried free on trains, but customers are requested to avoid carrying such items during peak times as a courtesy to others. Bike riders are also encouraged to use bicycle storage facilities which are available at various stations.

doesent say anything bout motobikes it says bout flamable liquids but having a look now if theres a petrol station between track n station :)
Glass bong
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just get a 2 liter bottle or 2 of petrol in a backpack, that should be enough for a day at the track. you'll need to completely drain the fuel from the tank and carby then let it air out a bit in case the train cops wanna see inside tank.

be careful what you do when you get off the train, the cop shop is across the road
With the anti-terrorist laws , I'd say getting caught carrying bottles or cans of fuel hidden in a bag or back pack on public transport would be treated as a serious offence ... ie "Moletov Cocktails" ... LOL ...

An empty vessel that's been carrying fuel is actually more hazardous and explosive than one that's FULL of fuel ...

Even a flour mill is a highly hazardous location which can explode if ignited by a spark ... Man you oughta' see all the BS you have to go thru just to weld onsite these days ...

Hazardous (Classified) Locations

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