Deacons LXR build.

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Deacon fmxer

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2010
Reaction score
Got this bike second hand only been ridden a couple of hours, for a good price.

Mods so Far:
26mm oko
Magik sc graphics
Dress up kit
Uni filter
1/4 turn cnc throttle
Pro tapers
Pillow top grips
Hour metre

Mods to come:
Lifan ORK
Pc Pipe
Takegawa hyper coil "on it's way"

After the Yx gives in I'm going to Buy the new zonger and throw a V2 onit with a few other goodies, probly won't bother going for the bore kits, v2 will be more than enough.
when I first got it.

And now.
Looks the goods mate, how good are the LXR's to ride!!!!
I recently got 1 myself and love it
The lifan ork will be going on soon, once it's been, machined.
And waiting on dhz to get more pc pipes in.

Pc pipe fitted.
Ok the time has come, for more power, as the race series in sa has got the go ahead, and I need advise/help with getting the right parts.

The engine is a stock Yx160
I don't wanna go the 184 kit, I'm just after the v2 head kit.

Probly will get a pwk28 bit later on, I have a 26mm oko at the moment.
Is it worth getting the taki decomp cam with just the v2? "I do kick start it properly" I'm not sure if I will go the 184 kit later.....

Does the tb intake manifold make a difference?
Should I run ti retainers?

Any help would much be appreciated.

I will be getting all parts from classic honda.
Without the bore kit go for the S25 cam, I have noticed a few boys lately saying they want to go back to the 25 from the 35, all are running 155's or 160s. PWK or PE28 will get you sorted, the PWK being better for the track. As far as de-comp or not goes, if your not racing then you always have time to start the bike properly, but drop/stall the bike in the middle of a race and thats the last thing on your mind, just kick it till it fires... So, for racing i would deffinately recommend the auto-decomp.
Mine came with it so i couldn't tell ya, but it was deffinately cleaner on the inside than the DHZ one I had on my OKO, but i just cleaned that out with the dremmel.
Ohk, I might not worry about it then, as I did the same as you did, just cleaned mine out
i'll have to come and introduce myself to you at a meet somewhere, and say g'day.
i wouldn't mind checking out the linkage setup on your bike too, to see if i can adapt it to my Atomik Fuse ?

the manifold on your LXR now, is it 26mm i/d ?
they don't take much to smooth them out.

edit; i just saw you've done it already, lol
i'll have to come and introduce myself to you at a meet somewhere, and say g'day.
i wouldn't mind checking out the linkage setup on your bike too, to see if i can adapt it to my Atomik Fuse ?

the manifold on your LXR now, is it 26mm i/d ?
they don't take much to smooth them out.

edit; i just saw you've done it already, lol

Hahha yeah all ready smoothed it out, but I probly will just get it anyway.

Are you in SA?

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