DHZ Outlaw 140 Freshly Bought. HELP!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2010
Reaction score
Albury, NSW
Sup guys today i woke up to star track callin me and telling me my bike arrived :) So i went there and picked it up and me and me mate put it together, i put oil in the engine and fired her up and the revs were way too high. When i twist the throttle the revs died down and the bike stopped. Any Ideas of whats going on with it?
I just wanna ride it! lol but i'm going to be patient just for the engine's sake.
im guessing you didnt do any basic bike setup or check overs...

this is why people bitch about china bikes when they brake..
they think they can just slap them together and ride for ever..

mate theres a thread thump 140 made specifically about new bike setup.. search for it follow it..
your bike will be better and last longer...
How do you check your valve clearances? and what does it do? sorry about the nooby questions. aha
oi sean i'm not dumb i hate chinas that play up and i want mine to work. that's why i haven't rode it yet. thump's thread doesn't have anything to do with my problem anyway
bump! i found a thread about valve clearances. but do you think DHZ would send someone an untuned bike?
dude they just send it to you, you gotta use the thread to do maintenence on your bike before you start it! check your valve clearences and then try again and if it does the same thing you need to tune your carby..
youve bought a boxed bike with no pre assembly so how you assemble it is how it will remain...
all new china engines need the valves doing (and then every 20 or so hours)and the oil changed, and the chain replaced and so on...

did you check the free play in your throttle?
did you check to see if the slide is returning to idle?
did you check and adjust the idle screw?
did you check your tank breather?
did you drain the fuel out of the carby? or even check that its flowing thru the carby?

and i wasnt implying that your dumb, i was simply pointing you in the right direction (search link) as we would have to do the same thing to link you to another thread on here to help you...

and thumps thread wasnt directed at your problem totally, tho the free play in the throttle may have helped..
it was more directed at the fact that it seems you skipped the pre assembly on your bike, which helps the bike live longer, and you said your self you hate china's that play up...
Sup guys today i woke up to star track callin me and telling me my bike arrived :) So i went there and picked it up and me and me mate put it together, i put oil in the engine and fired her up and the revs were way too high. When i twist the throttle the revs died down and the bike stopped. Any Ideas of whats going on with it?
I just wanna ride it! lol but i'm going to be patient just for the engine's sake.

ok before i give my 2c...NO ONE insinuated you were dumb..

ive only been on here a few months and also new to minis and even i am seeing the same thing...noobies coming on...ask first, research later (or wait to be told the answer)
all sean has tried to do is provide you the means to research your issues (well bike ones anyways...lol)


things i would check re the dropping revs when revved...

choke function
throttle cable
fuel filter
sufficient fuel

When i first got mine, i started it..give it a blat..backfire from the carb and stall. Done the valves and...PERFECT

re the high revving...
choke function
throttle function
sufficient fuel
idle screw??

not trying to make you feel silly etc but just a few basic things to check mate, and anyone else feel free to jump in and correct me if im wrong..i like to learn also

Hope it helps,

youve bought a boxed bike with no pre assembly so how you assemble it is how it will remain...
all new china engines need the valves doing (and then every 20 or so hours)and the oil changed, and the chain replaced and so on...

did you check the free play in your throttle?
did you check to see if the slide is returning to idle?
did you check and adjust the idle screw?
did you check your tank breather?
did you drain the fuel out of the carby? or even check that its flowing thru the carby?

and i wasnt implying that your dumb, i was simply pointing you in the right direction (search link) as we would have to do the same thing to link you to another thread on here to help you...

and thumps thread wasnt directed at your problem totally, tho the free play in the throttle may have helped..
it was more directed at the fact that it seems you skipped the pre assembly on your bike, which helps the bike live longer, and you said your self you hate china's that play up...

:bigcry: took me so long to post my blab there was like 4 post's.......lol
We spent about 2 hours putting it together. Coz I don't have an idea how to do it and i'm lazy as hell. how much would it cost to get it fixed at an MX shop?
aw what thats a bit steep. i'm willing to give it a shot, i've got a mate who's nearly got his cert4 in small engine mechanics so i'll ask him.

cheers for your help guys!!
dude thats BS they would do it in 20 mins and charge u less than 50

im not saying they wouldnt mate...BUT

The $ i quoted above is your avg hourly rate at ANY decent bike shop

and thats if they will work on a mini...which if you check alot of posts/threads on here, most wont.

its not BS, just how it is
yeah i hate how moto shops look down on the majority of not just chinese bikes but pitbikes to. They'd get plenty of business if they had a bloke that was pro as with pittys
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