F@rk moderators!!!!

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New Member
May 9, 2009
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fuck all moderators....espacially I_THUMP it should be I_SPOOF in my carby

like what are they going to do but ban him anyway? obviously its what he wants....poor lil diddums needs attention:(
hahahahahaha xX lil diddums Xx wants attention and he is the spoofmaster2000
What the hell are you thinking mate???

If you cant be postive or post up anything Relevant, a Mod has every right to get rid of you, thats what I think anyways!

This s*** is not accepted mate, I_THUMP, I think you should definently get rid of him, Bahahaha!!! Teach him a lesson or two ;)

Just my 2cents
tommy_38 lol do u suck off I_THUMP or something u little suckup..bring all this technical bullshit into it and start telling me the rules..as if i didnt know them anyway u cock sucker

just my 2 cents bahahaha
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im guessing headsmess is a poofter aswell..lol diddums wtf hahaha....why is your headmess anyway..did u get a bit of spoof on ur face or something??
what ya capper ya ho bo

coolie says ban the dude what did thump do to ya anyway

regardless your a gonner
guys everyone just calm down.. leave it at that because this is just gunna turn into a fight. i dought it was him that wrote it he probably got hacked or something.. so how about we just forget about this whole thing .. leave the retard alone he is just trying to get ur attention and obvyously its working!
guys everyone just calm down.. leave it at that because this is just gunna turn into a fight. i dought it was him that wrote it he probably got hacked or something.. so how about we just forget about this whole thing .. leave the retard alone he is just trying to get ur attention and obvyously its working!

No ones figting here. He is just having a sook for some unknown reason and I find it quiet funny :p
I'm really gonna need to hear about the sexual connotations though...... :eek:

aussie.blake we can't help you if you don't tells us what's upset you. :rolleyes:
yer true that well he will just have to tell us why he is accusing I_THUMP of "spoofing" in his carby.. aussie.blake do you have an explaination mate??

xX Lil diddumz Xx>
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