how to make a govenor

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2006
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does anyone know how to make a govenor.. i just built a bike for my girlfriend but its got a little too much power for her and need some form of govenor or anything to knock it back, ive already changed the sprockets and it still lifts too easy, any ideas at all to tone the bike down at all?
if it lifts to easy then put a bigger sprocket on the front and small rear one.

could make a peice of perspecs or metal with holes drilled in it to restrict fuel intake.


you would need to attach a bracket to the hangers that will hit a stopper on the actual throttle that spins.
ive already got 17 35, its only one of those 110 lifan tripple valve things, but its in a crf frame so too short and light of a frame, i might have to make up a bracket that just stops the throttle going all the way
Something I went through

I have a postie. When I first set her up I used the throttle cable that came with the postie carb as I also used the postie throttle grip.

This postie carb is quite a bit smaller than the Mikuni I put on and the postie throttle grip had no right angle turn in it so on closer inspection I could see the postie cable was a lot shorter.

I figured out after awhile that this was stopping me from fully pulling the slide open in the carb as when I turned the throttle the cable would be fully wound up but it only would have opened the throttle a bit over half way.

So ... what I would do ... is get a throttle cable and a brass/steel end nub for it ( you can get the little nubs from bike shops for like 50 cents and you just solder it on )

Then I would work out where you want the slide in the carb to lift to and shorten the end of the throttle cable to suit then solder the end nub on.

Then when you want to go back to it being normal you can just swap the cable back over to a normal length one. You probably wont need to take much off the end. Maybe 1-2 cm.

You will need a good pair of solid clippers to cut the end off the cable so you get a nice clean cut. Then you pull the nub on. They have a little hole in them. Then you solder the bastard. They take up heat really quick. Make sure when you do it that you leave a small bit sticking out the end. When your done with the solder clip this end bit off. It is also important not to get any solder on the brass it might lock up the throttle grip. I did this and made a bit of a mess and then I had to spend awhile sanding it smooth after.

ALSO ALSO ALSO make sure that you do the throttle grip end not the carb end !!!! as the last thing you want is for the tiny nub on the carb end that is under tension from the carb spring to fall off and make its way in to the motor!!!

Hope that helped ... ;)
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what a bout a restrictor in the exhaust where it joins to the head i recall when i was younger my peewee 80 had one which i quickly removed
i think it was just a washer type thing that had smaller hole prob bout half the size of the exhaust and this restricted the air flow
could get a extra long throttle cable so that the piston in the carby will not reach its maximum height with the throttle on full reflex.
get a 1/4 tun throttle or even a standard on and drill a hole in it put a screw in it this will restrict the amount ya missus can jam the throttle on therefore govening revs and speed

i've done this on a mates sons bike and will most likely do so on my sons bike when it comes to that

works well but easyier on a 1/4 turn
get a 1/4 tun throttle or even a standard on and drill a hole in it put a screw in it this will restrict the amount ya missus can jam the throttle on therefore govening revs and speed

That sounds like the best option and is also cheap and easy.
hey i dont want to sound like a d*ck or anything, but if she just rides it round for a few hours wouldnt she get used to it? it would save a looking of mucking around.
thanks for all the help...

quite possibly she will work most of it out after a couple of hours, but twisties its mainly in those first couple of hours i am concerned about.
Cut a short length of plastic Biro/pen outer tubing (longer than the slide to limit the amount of slide lift to whatever level you choose) . Put the plastic tube over the end of the throttle cable inside the carb in the middle of the spring before putting the cable back into the slide ... That way you can adjust the amount of max throttle opening without altering anything else or harming anything and you can gradually shorten the plastic tube over time as your GF shows she can control the throttling and gear shifting smoothly ...

I did it for my son to teach him to clutch smoothly and shift gears to accelerate the bike instead of revving the coit out of the engine in each gear and shifting too late ... It worked wonders and even taught him to shift positively ... if he missed the shift from 1st to 2nd ... he didn't over rev the engine then give the lever another hit without pulling the clutch in again ... It actually stopped him from copping neutral (1d3up Loncin 120) and made him into a better rider ... plus he stopped stalling the fricken engine all the time from leaving it in too high a gear after stopping ...
that it is an excellent idea, brilliant, thanks mate
Yeah you get the drift ... any plastic tubing that clears the inside diameter of the spring ... Some carbs have a slotted flat plate to hold the needle and clip down that goes in before the spring and some (Mikuni 25's) have an e clip with sharp edges facing up ... You might have to file or grind part of the plastic tube to clear that type of hold down clip to avoid possible problems ...
hey i dont want to sound like a d*ck or anything, but if she just rides it round for a few hours wouldnt she get used to it? it would save a looking of mucking around.

Yeh but I spose everyone picks it up at different speeds? some pick it up fast and are naturals and some need many rides just to get use to using the clutch ..everyone is different

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