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atomik boy

Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2009
Reaction score
near willowbank/rosewood qld
hey guys i have some good news and some bad news.
good news is i alive
bad news is i cant ride my bike for 4-6 weeks!!!!
i caught air (umm acidentally) and came down hard and had a massive cut (i'll upload a pic of it later).
went straight to the hospital and got it stiched (at like 9:00 at nite!!!!!!).
so ill be on the computer, vomiting (i just did like 5 mins ago), and work on the caby!!!
oh and taking panadol and iboprufen.
keep you guys (and gals) updated!


p.s. im sick of hobbling around so we're gonna get me some crutches (like clutches but an r instead of an l;))
nice one man hurry up and get some pics :D too bad you can't ride for nearly 2 months

If it really hurts then you should try panafen plus, it's basically an over the counter version of panadein forte
thats not good!!, sorry to here mate, dont worry you be back on it in no time them weeks will fly by!
lol that sucks get well soon lol.... hows the bike?
Damb! Sucks to hear man.

The cut must be pretty crazy by the sounds of it...would hate to be me.

Heal Up soon! Hope your back Riding in no time ;)
oh and i forgot to mention it was right down to the bone... and it wuz my right leg...
still having trouble getting a pic off mums phone...
the docter wuz asian and nearly got fired for not knocking me out cuz he gave me the worst effing needle ive ever had...
no numbing cream or anything like that!!! stupid c***!!!!!
still trying to get mah head around it!!!

the docter wuz asian and nearly got fired for not knocking me out cuz he gave me the worst effing needle ive ever had...
no numbing cream or anything like that!!! stupid c***!!!!!

i hate those needles i had a really bad one to they couldn't find the vane took them 3 minutes to i was sick for ages:(
oh and i forgot to mention it was right down to the bone... and it wuz my right leg...
still having trouble getting a pic off mums phone...
the docter wuz asian and nearly got fired for not knocking me out cuz he gave me the worst effing needle ive ever had...
no numbing cream or anything like that!!! stupid c***!!!!!
still trying to get mah head around it!!!


Should of hit the doc up for some concrete in that needle to help you harden the **** up.. haha jkz bro, I hate needles too.
the docter wuz asian and nearly got fired for not knocking me out cuz he gave me the worst effing needle ive ever had...
no numbing cream or anything like that!!! stupid c***!!!!!

i can relate to that...

my advice is dont put hatchets in your foot on a saturday morning coz its busy as and they dont wait for antiseptic to kick in so you can feel the stitches go in and the stitches come out....2nd worse feeing i have had....1st is dislocated knee

by the way i hope all is well and your back on the bike ASAP
i wont tell her..... i did the same thing when i had stitches but just make you take it easy and have a bit of a cruise no jumping or being silly or i will tell ya mum
suck **** mate they hert like a *****

so i suggest your next investment will be moto boots ha would have saved the greif in the first place
yeah gonna have to get either shin gaurds or boots...
i actually was borrowing some when this happend but i didnt wear them!!!
and ive learnt two lessons...
1. always listen to your mum...
2. always wear full protective gear when riding in unknown territory!
i wont tell her..... i did the same thing when i had stitches but just make you take it easy and have a bit of a cruise no jumping or being silly or i will tell ya mum

where abouts in tassie you from mate?