Magnetic Oil Drain bolts

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2007
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I am going to be getting a few magnetic oil drain bolts and I was just wondering if anyone else it interested in purchasing one or more.

Magnetic drain bolts will attract any metal particles in your motor so they can be removed easily with every oil change. Its a great cheap mod that will help prolong the life of your motor.

They will cost about $10 each posted so let me know if u are interested.

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They use those things on cars to I was looking at buying one but some of particles that ware off arnt magnetic.
Im told they are cnc bolts? but im getting one sent out to check out the quality so i'll let u know. I just heard they were selling for over $30 bucks each which is a bit much so I found it cheaper but I gotta buy a few
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id say $10-$15 is fair considering the price of them else where maybe $12
Il take at least 1 if not 2. if ur getting them soon?
Are the bolts steel or alloy ???? If they're alloy I'd be worried about the threads seizing and stripping like what's prone to happen with similar metals of the same hardness ....
Are the bolts steel or alloy ???? If they're alloy I'd be worried about the threads seizing and stripping like what's prone to happen with similar metals of the same hardness ....

Thanks cactus, they are alloy so I wont bother getting them if thats the case. Would they be better if made from steel?
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Yes they'd be better if they were made from steel ...... but you could wrap the ally threads with teflon tape to prevent seizing ........

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