new bike how do I know what it is!?

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It says it has a famos ducar engine (up the top) and a Lifan engine in the stats (bottom). This sounds sus to me but the photo shows a lifan.
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its ok for a first bike ,i guess however you should of considered a pitpro 110cc before coining ,you will most likely need to upgrade that bike in a few months or so once you've got comfortable on a bike other wise you soon brake that thing in the future stay away from foxico ,tne name spells cheap shit metal with dodgy bike stats and a poor name
Not a very good bike, Will need alot of mantience.
It says it has a famos ducar engine (up the top) and a Lifan engine in the stats (bottom). This sounds sus to me but the photo shows a lifan.

Agreed... would be asking questions before any transactions take place.. cover your own @rse so you dont get burnt...
a fellow member here has the bike, hasnt complained too much about it yet, he just talks it up and puts down other bikes lol.
OK, you asked about the bike so dont get upset when i give you the details

AGB21 frame with redesigned end to suit shock (agb27 copy frame)
Has AGB27 plastics
Has old style rims which are terrible qaulity
Has heat coated exaught which is known to peal off
Has the base Lifan 125cc engine which in reality is twice as bad qaulity wise as the ducar 125cc!
Rear shock bends under your weight
Has dodgy rear frame setup which will break under pressure
Has dodgy cheapo style bash plate which wouldnt do a damn thing.

But.. like all bikes take care of it and it will last,


probably not lol
thanks for that , i needed to ask its for my boy his 10 i also bought a 49cc little yelow thing i wasnt hapy with it took it to foxi co and changed it for latest model looks cool the boys love it ages 6,9,10, and that was 110$ and the thing hits atleast 60k its got that slow take off biger cog , as long as the motor is ok
plus when he sits on it he can just touch the ground.regards samual. ps il be taking him to the track at pipe works at the moment were riding out the back of coolaroo my old stomping ground.
Whats Franky Seal Of Aproval?

Lmao.. this is the Franky Seal of Approval...

nothin special.. pipeworks makes them up and are easily imitated.. lol. I hear they are going to start importing PitPro's with the F.S.O.A. :rolleyes: :D
i dont no , i just got a email from john velvo from factory element re the motorif its a ligite motor , well its china u can put what ever u want on the bike whos to stop ya , hes ok d it.
like Franky said it will more than likely
Has the base Lifan 125cc engine which in reality is twice as bad qaulity wise as the ducar 125cc!
just replace the oil, run it in accordingly, and keep it maintained.. check out the thread about First things to do to a china bike for more info..
Well, posting a picture would help, its pretty easy to tell when you learn which is which.
well in the mini forum-tech-3rd or 4th post down... Its a sure to go through the entire thread as people tend to add things along the way..

or you can click here.. just because your new and im a nice guy, i'll give u a quick link.. :D lol

NOTE:normally a "how do i find" is answered with a

but like i said im feeling generous tonight lol
I was lookin at these bikes just a few days ago, but decided on the Atomik MotoX. Just waitin for one to finish in the low 400's now..
thanks for the link, i managed to find it and alot moore, i must say ineresting site, is it motor man he states to give it to the bike while runing in , do use all agree with him,
some do some dont.. i wouldnt personally THRASH it.. but i wouldnt putt around to slowly either..
Having had to run in numerous RC nitro engines, the theory(sp?) is to run it in how you would do 80% of your driving(or riding as the case is) keeping in mind you are setting the rings into the bore, not trying to race mick doohan..

If you are local to a few members im sure they would be more than happy to call around and give any pointers they can. (preferably the older members with the knowledge-although some of these younger guys know a fair bit!!)

Just keep it simple. Dont go over board and expect a new engine to have the power and fuel economy of one that has had 5-6 tanks through it.. As the motor wears in, it tends to gain a little power, keep the mixtures nice and rich, no smoke from the exhaust can be a bad thing.. to much can to though!

Keep doing the research and as you have found out opinions will vary, it will come down to how you feel comfortable breaking it in. if your really concerend about it, possibly head down to a local bike shop and hit the mechanic up for a few pointers.. keeping in mind everyone does things different!

Welcome to the world of mini bikes samual, hope you enjoy your experiance and feel free to ask questions. ALOT has been answered previous so a search is always prefered before inquiring.
Most of all.. ENJOY the sport.
