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Do u reckon the more flags the more racist you are? If so i'm thinking i might cover my car in em, cause **** i'm racist, against stupid people (and yea i reackon there enough stupid people out there that we can now call them a race:))
before & after

Just read this, must of come out last year... Piss funny :)
MotoGP race report, Phillip Island

Last year Stacie Moaner ruined everyone's Christmas. He was invited for food, drinks and fights around at Adriana's parents. She'd been trying to get him to visit them at Christmas for years – usually he'd fake a mysterious incapacitating illness and claim that he was too weak to leave his bed. To convince her he'd even gone as far as to draft in the same hoax doctor to pretend to 'possibly' find something like he did in 2009 to get out of work.
But last Christmas she'd wised up to it all and, with a face a weeping scab, Stacie and Adriana set off for the festive reunion. Her parents lived in the next city, about 600 miles away, and for the entire journey the sulky little Aussie ex-champ complained about everything – including:-

The air-con was making his face itch.
The road signs were misleading
The radio hated him
His phone signal was 'sporadic'
The dashboard had an irritating rattle

When they finally arrived Stacie was already in such an epic sulk that it caused an ozone warning over Sydney and receded the barrier reef by a metre or two.
Throughout the festive holiday he continued to moan and moan. All Adrania's family were there and such was his constant complaining that her two older brothers failed to get into a random fight and drunkenly 'stove some wazza's head in' as their holiday spirit was so deflated. Not that Stacie cared. He was in his own gripe-bubble and continued to sulk about everything – including:-

The turkey looked evil
His presents were wrapped longitudinally
Santa hated him
The flickering decoration lights were giving him a corneal ulcer
The BBQ coal were mostly in suggestive shapes

In the end it was Adriana's father who cracked first. And he cracked with such passion and vocal force that some say it was like a volcanic tsunami. For over an hour little crying Stacie was put into his place. Adriana's father told him, in no uncertain terms, that if he ever did this again in front of any of Adriana's family he'd kick his teeth clean out of his mouth. And this is Australia so obviously perfectly legal.
Stacie Moaner spent the rest of the holiday not moaning. He then, interestingly, had a good time. Obviously everyone still hated him, but not nearly as much.
This weekend Adriana's parents were at Phillip Island to watch their son-in-law race. It was the first time they'd seen him since Christmas and only really came as Adriana said there would be free fried meat on the menu.
Stacie remembered last Christmas. He thought he could actually feel his teeth become a little lose in his gums when Adriana's father looked at him. But he said nothing. Nor did he moan about anything at all. Not even when he found the three-ply tissue in the rent-a-bog had been downgraded to an inferior two-ply version usually reserved for the satellite teams. In days gone by that would be a low-side and an early flight home. But not today. Today Stacie was concentrating on the race only.
The fact that he was so focused was bad news for everyone else. Forced to get on with the job, and momentarily free of the burden of complaining, the Australian was amazing. In a different class to every other rider. Had all his rivals been replaced by Krappy Kurtis Roberts clones? Of course not, but he was disturbingly superior.
Predicting a boring race for the lead in MotoGP is like predicting that Britney Spears will die of a drunken overdose. But today it was even more of a dead cert.
Moaner qualified on pole by about a week. His sighting lap would have put him on the front row. When the light went out he lead away and could have dropped off the cliff into turn two for all the other riders would ever know. It was probably the most dominate victory of the season.
Scratching his golden noodle in second was world champion Jorge Lorenzo. If not for Moaner this would have been an epic victory as he was able to ride away from the remaining none-drunk riders with relative ease.
Luckily we had a battle for third. It was between Spies, Simoncelli, Rossi and Hayden.
The quartet battled hard for the first half of the race and gave us something else to look at apart from the weather-beaten crowd.
Spies was looking for a podium. But he could 'only' find fifth in front of a non-crashing Simoncelli. The American's moment came when he led the group and a charging Rossi came pilling through at the end of the home straight. It was at that moment that Ben spotted a pelican trackside. It stood as still as a statue staring through him like an avian grim reaper. It never moved or flinched. So off-putting was its presence that Spies ran wide and would never catch back up.
This left just Hayden and Rossi to fight for the last podium place. Earlier in the race Rossi had barged past Hayden in such a clumsy manner that left Simoncelli shaking his head. This move had sent the ploughing expert expertly ploughing his way to the back of the group. But if Nicky Hayden was not famed for never giving up on something that looked impossible for him then he'd have never learnt to talk.
The farmhand worked his way back to Rossi and hounded him for the final laps. But this was Rossi. And as the BBC can tell you he's the bestestestest rider in MotoGP and ever. (And the only rider they know the name of). So it was a surprise to all, especially the BBC, when with two laps remaining Hayden took third into the hairpin. Luckily the BBC were there to inform us that Rossi had a mechanical issue, his shoulder was hurting or that he'd probably re-broken his leg mid-race.
Hayden meanwhile had the task of fighting off Rossi for a lap and a half. He failed. But only just. On the same hairpin where he lost the place and on the last lap Rossi barged passed Hayden in a 'hard but it's Rossi so it's probably okay' way.
Let's hope the pairing fall out. That should be interesting next season.
Edwards finished seventh. His race was as exciting as this sentence.
The rest finished somewhere. Check the official website if you're that bothered.
@ the break disk pics

and here you were wondering why it always kicked left when you pulled the hand break on.... LOL!
I always assumed that harleys and their riders dont go round corners... Now i just assume that their all just realy crap at riding, except this guy.....