show of hands for efi

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Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2009
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home of braaap
ok guys and girls as title states what i would like is to see what kind of
interest there is for EFI see link for a bit more info

now what i am doing at the moment is trying to find a good supply of parts
and well most of the parts are better to get in bulk lots

to re-cope some of the cost im thinking of doing some bolt on kits

so let me know if it sounds like something that you would be interested in
what kind of coin that you would pay and anything else that you may think that
would be good feed back


PS mods if you dont like where i have posted this feel free to move
Lol ...

Well i would be interested if it was priced right..

And also if it worked right.. i reckon it would of been done by now and perfected if it wasn't to difficult .

But who knows .
im sure alot of people, me included, would like to have a play around with a bolt on efi kit on our bikes but at what cost? if it was cheap enough then i for one would consider it. :)
the right price would be, cost of parts/labour plus what u think is fair to add for ur efforts.
it's really hard to name a price on a product that doesn't exist yet..... I don't know how technical all this efi stuff gets but I'm guessing something like this would come with a high price tag....

think of it this way, a new motor costs around $700 then people are paying $500 for a race head.... twice as much for a full bore kit.... but that's only a small market, most are happy with cams and rotors. There'd need to be a good advantage over carburetors, fuel economy wouldn't be one of them considering the size of these engines lol. If power was increased greatly and tuning was easier or even the ability to plug in to a pc for tuning etc. then you'd have a good product that's highly sought after.

I'll tell ya what, if it was like $200 I'd be keen to get my hands on a kit just for the hell of having EFI... but I'm a total tightass lol
the demand will come from price i think, price to high and there will be little demand but on the otherhand if the price is cheap u would have a higher demand but also u dont want to "cut ur own throat" so to speak. theres a happy medium in there somewhere and ur the only one that can find it as u know the cost of the initial outlay for the system. what would u be prepared to pay if someone else had the idea and wanted to sell it to u?

also people may be more interested if u posted up some more info/facts like what gains are to be had and what extra maintenence would be required e.t.c.
thanks guys
dvd for info for what people are paying for mods

synergy for the maintenance point
thats one thing the has not come up as yet

the only reason i asked is so when im hunting for parts
i know what im working with what kind of budget
i understand cheaper the better

but with things like the fuel pump lets say
i can get one that will do the job and its going to cost $50

but then i can get a pump that is perfect for the job but will cost $100

what would be the better way to go :confused:

im not asking just so i can slap together the cheapest kit i can and then charge
the most i can
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Well. i guess this is putting a price on happiness. id rather be happy, and id rather be safe then sorry, n spend a bit extra then be pissd. But its up to you i suppose and what ya and everyone can afford?

But if both parts are doing the same thing but one is cheaper then go with the cheaper one.

But idk.
"u gotta spend money to make money" i once herd :)
have u tried both fuel pumps? if not then buy both, test them, put them through there paces and see which one fails first. If one fails then find out why it failed, could u improve the system to prevent it from failling. cheaper is better to make intial sales but if the cheap parts fail then u do damage to ur name/sales and end up with no one wanting ur product anymore. so with some money, testing and a bit of time u will find the cheap - reliable system that will sell and give u a good name.
If you could engineer and supply a true plug and play unit, i'd pay up to $450 - 500 for it. Doesnt sound like much for an EFI system, but the sad truth is that you can source parts that would be of far greater impact to the performance of an engine, for the same or less.. eg V2 heads etc...

But a true plug and play system, yeah, i've got a couple of projects that would look good with EFI bolted to them...
i think it all depends how friendly the system would be to the end user
also if its can run without a battery installed...
as for parts you would need a variety of different sized throttle bodies and injectors.
the system would need to be fully supported to diy tuning and if possible tuning on the fly..

i for one would snap one straight up as it opens a whole new ball game to an engines full potential...

price wise yeah a full setup would have to be around the 400 for basic setup..

and a couple of suggestions..
instead of having multiple sized throttle bodies for different size engines, have one size throttle body with the ability to change the size of the venturi.(like a barry grant holey carb)
also have you thought of center port injection?..
how does the system operate?
does it just use throttle position and RPM to calculate how much fuel to put in?

A more advanced system that utilizes Oxygen sensors for realtime map changes would be the most beneficial.

im interested in small engine EFI for forced air induction simplicity.
ok guys that is the type of stuff im looking for

sean that idea of the interchangeable venturi is a top idea gave ya rep points for that

ok a bit of a run down on plan or things im wanting

1. not to add a huge amount more weight to the bike
2. user tunable the ecu im looking at can do just about every thing you can think of
including boost
3. maybe a option to control spark as well as fuel
4. for it to be as simple as possible for the end user to tune, install, maintain

but keep the input coming
yep 1+ for spark control...
user spark map would be awesome...

does it have temp sensors and knock sensor?
and does it use map or maf sensor or either?
in the way of sensors plan is

oil temp instead of water

o2 maybe wide band o2 but will have it in some form

air temp is a maybe will see how it goes with out it

no knock sensor so you could do some real damage with spark control
if not sensible when tuning

throttle pos sensor will be a must have item

map would be nice but lack of a stable reference point is a problem
maf may be the way to go but thats more parts no the list
the ecu will run fine without them but will be a hell of alot better with one

but Dabomb will need one to run boost

and crank angle sensor