The Friday F#@kwit

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but still... I baby sit when the oldy's go out to dinner or w/e... and i know theyre are a handfull at times and can test your patience .. but i wouldnt call it work.... in peglegs case, he should have thought about the input he's gonna have to give before getting his willy wet and then complaining about how he's been working unpaid for 19yrs....a little contradicting IMO....

anyways I nominate John Howard for " americanising " this country...
im a big fan of the jap roadbikes but my aunty an uncle have 3 harleys and they dont use them to get around corners as fast as posible they use them as daily drivers an do alot of crusers around australia and even you ruby will have to admit they are good bikes to do long rides around australia

as for the chopper yes there worthless for riding an crusing they are shocking even to get around a round-about its like tring to turn a truck the 300 rear tyres are just too big
they do have alot of balls in a straight line but like i said thats about it
:rolleyes: how bout you shut the fuck up... who the fuck do you think you are......geez have'nt you had the daily dick ride today?? bit moody...
okay STICK!... you think your a fucking hero coz you act all hard by telling me to shut the fuk up when i was voicing my opinion on a topic that you werent involved in.... NOW dont go fuking complaining that us teenagers are the ones always starting shit! because look what you've just gone and done... your a real BITCH mate... if your the mature gentleman you want to be known as then why dont you put a stop to all this bullshit that YOU started.. yer you not benox!!! I know you could care less about what i have to say but that just goes to show your " maturity " once again... SO... I think its about time that you SHUT THE FUCK UP and move on.... fuking panzy!
hmm, this thread isn't helping us get along vey much,

entertaining though.

Pffttttt seriously what a girl.. he's not online anymore:rolleyes: .. Im just waiting to see what he says next...ohh he must have went for another "service" on that rear end of his.;) He's gunna be as happy as larry tonight...
I nominate the local sex parlor who are raising prices,

suckysucky $5.50 GST inclusive just doesnt sound right anymore:eek:
:D $5.50... damn.. sum bitches in vic charge $15... well thats what dads mate was telling me LOL... i dont pay for myne;) :D
so STICK.... what ya got to say now huh?? waiting....
What's your bank detail's,I'll trow some coin in for your ya can tell me in person..will even pick ya up from the airport
I wouldnt dare trust my account details in the hands of a person like you...... and also i would write my address but theres always some shifty ppl that might come and steal my bikes... so how about since your so generous with the coin, keep it for yourself.. book a flight to melb... ill arrange the taxi to pick you up and bring u to my joint and we'll sort it out like that aye???

ohh and bring some tissues.
Ive got my cock out, a drink of pepsi and a few apples. In for a good night