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New Member
Jun 18, 2013
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What do people think about the 190 pro's and con's?
And has anyone had or heard of any problems with them?
on planet minis one bloke had a broken rod.. but that was a freak acident
when they were not 190 auto de-comps (now they all are de-comp) they used to break cases
thats about it
I've got one but nothing to report yet as its still yearly days of owning it, decomp works well but is hard to get starting down pat as its hard to know if at top dead centre so better to find top, kick once then keep kicking till it starts.
Great smooth power throughout and yeah the only thing I've seen is a broken conrod like Zac said.
The things are beastie and to give it a quick flick of the throttle it growls like a big bike, couldn't be happier.

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when you know what they do its not so ugly, like the girl i know
Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking the 190's capabilities. They are an awesome engine. I'd own one for sure.

Now that's a sexy engine.!!
I know your not knocking mate I'm saying like a dirty women or an ugly engine if it gets the job done then what's not to like haha you know what I mean. No offense intended, but yeah nothing like a double over.

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I know your not knocking mate I'm saying like a dirty women or an ugly engine if it gets the job done then what's not to like haha you know what I mean. No offense intended, but yeah nothing like a double over.

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I know exactly what you mean mate ;)
But until my sexy twin blows a big one and I buy a 190 for myself... I will continue to bag out that dirty big ******
Hahaha, that's it guys the ugly ones always go off, even the DOHC is an ugly duckling lol. But nice setup bro.
ill be getting me one of them when i blow my engine up .lol

Now that's a sexy engine.!!

sexy engine yes, but my anima will run rings around it!

only Pro's from my side of the fence as iv owned my anima FDX 190 for about 3-4months now done 3 races with 4 motos and a practise on that day at full speed! PLUS not to mention i ride my race bike reguarly on weekend yet again im not easy even at just a ride day or a piss fart around!...

it doesnt blow smoke yet, i drop oil every ride and race day without a doubt even drop oil between 2nd and 3rd moto on race days just to be clean and fresh.. decomp works a charm and the motor pulls like a freight train!!

im there rain hail or shine buddy,

heard about you though, your only there if its shine everything your a phantom lol
Ahhh he said, she said. Woteva.
Everyone else went home and I traveled 100k's to go riding
lol engines aren't about looks! so far i love the 190! Pulls great! Maybe check ure jetting (whoever is having trouble starting) mine has no problems starting at all!
From what I've heard from a fellow racer, stock clutch baskets are easy to go on these 190 animas.

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