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mini biker

New Member
Feb 28, 2014
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Hello, i just got a mini bike and i need to replace the rear wheel bearings, but they are rusted to hell on in there, any ideas to get them out? thanks
long arse screwdriver and a heavy hammer make sure they come out square and dont dig the screwdriver into your hubs..
What is the axle size? if its 15mm, try and get a 12mm bolt in there, put it in on an angle, and tap around the bearing. if you axle size is 12mm, just use a 10mm bolt.

Welcome to Miniriders :)
Smash the inner bracing out and then cut the outer bracing with hacsaw blade and beat it then
Best way is to use a long peice of rod and hit on the inner beaing race. Use a large hammer and give it a good hit. Smashing them apart it an option but very risky. It is easy to damage teh hub doing that. You could try heating teh hub up, or find someone with a press.
Best way i know of is to use a blind bearing puller. Pick em up from ebay for around $80 great for lots of different jobs inc what youv'e just mentioned :)
cheapest way is to find a bolt/screw that just fits inside the bearing
get a 1mm thick cutting disc for your angle grinder and fit it, put your safety goggles on.
hold the bolt firmly in a vise, and cut a slot in the head, and down the thread a little 25mm is usually enough.
drop the bolt into one of the bearings and have the thread come out the other side a bit.
now find a large flat headed screwdriver and slip it through the bearing and into the slot you cut.
gently tap it into the bolt, as it moves into the slot it will expand the bolt head and grip the inside of the bearing
tap the end of the screwdriver a few times and the bearing will fall out

seriously.... bigger hammer

If your average jammer doesn't do it, use a mallet. If that doesn't do it, use a sledge
I didn't have one so I did end up using a mallet and a double handed overhead swinging action to get mine out

A dremel is probably your best bet, cut slots in it then bash it out. If you don't have one, use the force, a lot of it