Vent Your Hatred Here!

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Jesus criste, is this bitch fight still continuing, all the key board warriors are hard at work in here thats for sure.
lol, AH wats green p plates? is it like a semi-p plate? hope not.
lol, no im pretty sure p platers hav NO engine size limit, hahahaha, 2.0 litres, thats TINY. i wonna drive the valiant, 5.4 litre on mi p's lol.
Im pretty sure P platers do have some restriction on what they can do to their car.
ok, but it is definately over 2.0 litres! lol
up here in QLD were limited to a maximum of a 6cyl/v6 nothing bigger and noting turbo or supercharged it sucks i want an HQ With a 308 :(
I hate,

Those little punks that rekon they are all hardcore calling you names and shit. Like i died my hair black a little while ago and this little fag calls me an emo wannabe. he has a brother and all his skating buddies i guess, but if i really wanted to id knock him on his ass, but then id have his brother, (thats not much bigger than him) and all his "skate krew" onto me.

and like people that think they are cool acting all tough infront of their friends but then when they are alone they are all afraid. lol.

well theres just my little bit. :D
lol, AH wats green p plates? is it like a semi-p plate? hope not.
lol, no im pretty sure p platers hav NO engine size limit, hahahaha, 2.0 litres, thats TINY. i wonna drive the valiant, 5.4 litre on mi p's lol.

pascal, in NSW once you have been on your red P's for 12 months you go and do a computer test( hazard perception test), and if you pass you go onto your green P's for 24 months, then you do another test(driver qualification test), if you pass that you get your unrestricted licence.

Ok then, in NSW any new driver getting their p's cannot drive a car with a v8 or a turbo, turbo diesels are an exception, having said that, if you don't own your own vehicle, you are allowed to drive a v8 or a turbo'd car on your L's if that is the only vehicle your family has, or the only car you have access too. There are very strict guidelines for this as well.
Soon to be bought in is that a P plater may have a curfew, I think 10pm and only carry 1 passenger.
pascal 5.4 liters......u will spend ur years pay on the petrol how its going atm lol we have a 3.2 liter i think bmw 323 what ever liter that is anyways that cost like 80 to fill up lol
pascal 5.4 liters......u will spend ur years pay on the petrol how its going atm lol we have a 3.2 liter i think bmw 323 what ever liter that is anyways that cost like 80 to fill up lol

it's a 2.3L, easy way to tell on beemers and mercs, 323= 3series 2.3L
323ci= 3 series 2.3L coupe fuel injection
a vy commodore is like 3.8 litres i think ive seen a few p's driving them must cost em a fortune
my vt has a 3.8L in it, 75L tank, at $1.36 p/l thats about $100 to fill. I really hate that
i hate it when people call me emo cause i wear my belt sideways.. they don't know that i spent 20 hours on the graphics on my tank.. arso holes
I hate getting told i have to work next weekend...then i find out dad was going to take me and some mates riding down at bachuss Marsh Mx track:(

I also hate when im drinking, then start laughing and spill it on the front of my pants and it looks like i pissed my pants.

I hate they way girls play with your mind. But then i get satisfaction out of telling them to go get f#*ked:D

I hate how i have to hop of the comp for now to go to skool:mad:
I hate those bad days you have where every thing you think about makes you angry!!! then the dogs chew your good pair of sunny's!!! & you just want to chill and every1's like whats up, whats up, whats up........ arrrrrrrrgggggg
I hate ...


I lose over $530 per fortnight in taxes!

I just had my performance review today and I've had my salary promoted. Now I get to pay the taxman more bloody money!!!!
I hate it when your at work, using a computer program that doesn't have an auto-save function built in and because you've got so much crap opened up at once your computer crashes making you lose your last hours worth of work.

I especially hate it when i've got a headache caused from the serious cold i've got going at the minute....aaaaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhh
I hate it when your at work, using a computer program that doesn't have an auto-save function built in and because you've got so much crap opened up at once your computer crashes making you lose your last hours worth of work.

O yeah that's a big hate....