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Nov 14, 2008
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hi all, hope you are all well:)
im trying to find a hc piston from akunar for my lifan 150,
im not sure which 1 to get could you point me in the right direction

ok first need some messurements

piston diamiter 57mm ?
gugion pin size 13-14-15 mm ?
deck hight 14-15 mm ?
and there is a fair few choices on dome size from about 4mm-8mm

and there will be some thing available

pin hight is mesures from top of pin hole to deck of piston
piston diamiter is messured on the skirt
jst email and ask...... jst put it that its a lifan 150 and ur motor numbers,,, the guy knows alot and should know
engine numbers mean jack all
they will even ask sizes like what i did as there is that many diferant motors out there its not funny

heres the part you want

part no : AKPRP010A
57mm piston
pin size 15mm
deck 13mm
and has 6mm dome with valve relifes ( so high comp )
compared to what you prob have now ( eather dished or flat top )

make sure you have a few other items to order as postage is killer
ranukar knows what fits in all the motors, the 150 lifans use a 15mm pin, and he can sell you a big bore kit, or std size high comp piston to suit, just email him :)