"LITTLE BABY" Compound

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Well-Known Member
May 1, 2007
Reaction score
Newcastle NSW
Well yesturday afternoon I made up my mind and headed out to a few LITTLE dirt jumps me and a few other guys made a while back.

This little place hadnt been ridden on for about a year so I decided to spend 2 and a half hours swetting my ass off to give the place a bit of TLC and put the icing on the cakes! I fixed up all the jumps and the runs so its looking much better then what they use to.

I know these jumps a SMALL but there for the old 16"ers to muck around on!

Anyways this is what it looked like once I finished yesturday afternoon...



Today Ill be taking my MINI RAMP down which will run right down the guts of the small hits on the side so it should be a good fun place to ride the 16"ers around on!

At the moment Im cleaning my 16"er I picked up from the tip so I should be riding on the NEW Compound hopefully by tomorrow :)

Ill try and get some more pics up then!

Thanks for looking ;)


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thats prettty sweet, it might need a bit more TLC though, whats with the tier in the tree
thats prettty sweet, it might need a bit more TLC though, whats with the tier in the tree

Yeah, Im going out there again today but its not too bad in REAL LIFE, haha!

The tyre in the tree? haha, thats been there for ages, one of the guys chucked it up there for some reason?

Ill be taking the ramp down today to finish it off! Will look not to bad then :)
yeah gusse it would look better in real life

haha good on him, i say

get some pics of the ramp hay???
Once you ride on it and shred up some tracks with your bikes it will be tidy as.

Good stuff mate.
looks like fun .... and there's plenty of dirt ya can build it up ... just get the local grommys involved
looks like fun .... and there's plenty of dirt ya can build it up ... just get the local grommys involved

Thanks for the Positive Comments guys! Much appreciated ;)

Haha, yeah Ill try and get a few of the guys to have a ride on, will be all Preped by today, should be some good fun!!!

ride them on a pitty
theyd be hell fun
but what are the cops like there
hay tommy, hows the track now??? get the ramp up???

Ahaha! Well today Ive been workingon CLEANING and FIXING my 16"er up so I had no time to go out and take the ramp :( Instead my Mini will be looking SWEET tomorrow!

Ill try and get out there for a ride tomorrow, need to find a chain from somewhere though, haha! Stupid TIP Bikes :)
ride them on a pitty
theyd be hell fun
but what are the cops like there

Well the little track is actually on the Towns Golf Course, Ahaha!

Cops? What cops??? haha, na the cops down here are alright, dont know how Id go with riding a Moto on it though as there are houses and that fairly near by, got to get use to the place on the 16 first anyways!
Get a real bike 20" is where it's at fella

the klx will luv those trails hey

Haha true! Ive got the Old 20"er Ive already had a go of the Little Jumps.

Well I didnt manage to go out for a Little Ride today as I was too busy cleaning and preping my Bike up!

Check it out, looks much better now :):
My NEW-ish 16"er - FmxAustralia.Com

What do you think???

Ill definently be going out for a Ride tomorrow, thats if its not raining, haha!
haha thats sweet looking now, i got a bike like that at my house now but i didn't pay for it i just loaded it up and away i went, love the tyers