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Yep thats ya problem mate! Found the pin on the inside of the stator too....well that solves crunching noises....what else may this have damaged??uploadfromtaptalk1403236393396.jpg

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I cant see what the problem is?
Was the flywheel nut already off?
Is "that pin" the crankshaft keyway your talking about?
i think the flywheel nut has come off ?
i tightened it when i fitted the stator though ?
the pin stu mentioned above is Stu-speak for Woodruff key.
Well thats back where it f-n should be!! Seems like no other damage was done! *wipes brow*uploadfromtaptalk1403250893509.jpg

Sent from my WT19i using Tapatalk
Well thread Jack but I don't mind! This is interesting! So my mixture screw was 4 turns out...hopefully the surging has stopped. Then the fly wheel and think it was the woodruff pin had some play some how, came loose then the flywheel spun itself off. That explains the noise I heard as the bolt flex around in the cover with the flywheel a bit. Lucky it was all save-able! Bike is running again jetted correctly I had an air leak at the manifold too...hopefully the new gasket fixes that, got my rear less bent brake arm with the faded black anodized pedal on it on too! Almost done! Bash plate needs one bracket and its finito : thumbup:


I'd say it would have every internal piece that will fit from the jap motor in it if its in a fully modified class. Then you'd be racing jap horizontal engines, so its a hard one Blender!!...Craig was saying lots of stuff should fit from jap bikes bottom end wise...high comp piston etc etc etc if in modified head and/or bore classes...what class do they enter it in Chops any idea? All the classes are different yeah? Like some you have so have to original head and bore, some all original excluding bolt ons like the carby. Might only be carby changed and longer gear ratio....without knowing the class its entered in its near on impossible to even speculate!!

Sent from my WT19i using Tapatalk
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They told me the cylinder head had some work, exhaust and gearing. And use of push car for for high gearing.
And use of push car for for high gearing.

So rolling start styles? I wonder what speed to get it into first?

So you keen on Morgan next weekend? I recon we've got the weather gap should be sunny!! Otherwise ill push it back two weeks...

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Yeah I think it's just too hard with gearing to get going. I'm keen but the weather over next week might push my work out. its now supposed to be wet all week now.
Oh yeah I forgot to mention my67xr 'put my carby back together' without a pilot jet in right knee hurts...seriously its Daniel....I'm refusing to do bike work when that guys there!!! He needs some clearing....carrying around bad **** he is!! motorman eat ya heart out!!!

Sent from my WT19i using Tapatalk
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the gearing looks to be about a 14t on the front, and the rear says 39, that's not too high
probably needs the push car start because he can't take off with that 34mm carby....
it would be stuggling to draw enough air past the pilot jet to get it idling
the gearing looks to be about a 14t on the front, and the rear says 39, that's not too high
probably needs the push car start because he can't take off with that 34mm carby....
it would be stuggling to draw enough air past the pilot jet to get it idling

I think good for the gearbox too...will have to help you out getting the nitro car started!! Think I remember the carby settings now!

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Oh wow just went for a walk right down to the creek!! There is an awesome little kinda flat section down here just big enough for track!!!! Think its still theirs everyone else's fences stop way further up the hill might even be crown land...but cant get to it unless you come up the creek or down through a yard!!! Sweet!!

And this is the bottom of the hill looking up....damn thats steep!

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Also bike still surging in second...what do you think about filing off a few mm of the fuel drain outlet on the bottom of the carby Craig?? Pretty sure it needs another few mm clearance! Will that be ok? Or will it damage the carby?

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